« on: November 30, 2007, 05:20:23 17:20 » |
Hi everyone this is my first message so sorry for my faults....
I am looking for a battery charger circuit controlled with pic( 16fxxx series) but i can not find in the net a suitable one. I want to charge a lead acid battery. (12V) . I need a pic controlled charger because i also want to use this circuit for control a TEC peltier device. Thanks for you attention
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« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2007, 08:18:03 08:18 » |
Hi everyone this is my first message so sorry for my faults....
I am looking for a battery charger circuit controlled with pic( 16fxxx series) but i can not find in the net a suitable one. I want to charge a lead acid battery. (12V) . I need a pic controlled charger because i also want to use this circuit for control a TEC peltier device. Thanks for you attention
It would be difficult to sense battery current , with resistance etc , I would reccomend you to use some Battery managemant ICs from manufacturers like LTC, Maxim , Fuel gauges(TM) . To ease your situation,. Otherwise you would have to sense the battery voltage and current, and try to limit the charging current by switching the current waveform with a MOSFET or other such a device. But the question it will be a headache measuring battery current , I mean charging. Ts
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« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2007, 08:36:17 08:36 » |
go to maxim-ic web site. they are a lot of application notes and ic which you can sample
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2007, 01:22:25 13:22 » |
Here is PIC Power supply Unit, you can use it for the battery charging too. OR you can modify it for charging. There are many circuit available for the charger. (but not with PIC).
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« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2007, 04:33:33 16:33 » |
this psu uploaded by awarapunshee was pulled off the net by the author because it wasn't working properly but if you search the forum you will find a fix for it on another thread just can't remember where
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« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2007, 07:40:58 19:40 » |
There is in microchip's application notes website.
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« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2007, 06:07:54 06:07 » |
Here is PIC Power supply Unit, you can use it for the battery charging too. OR you can modify it for charging. There are many circuit available for the charger. (but not with PIC).
awarapunshee ,He seems to need a smart battery charger ,PSU doesnt seems to be a good Idea as the topologies are different , I mean to say what will one do in events of when the battery is fully drained . I would suggest a CVT and a full bridge rectifier and a fat Aluminium electrolyte capacitor at the output for charging a battery instead od a PSU though .
« Last Edit: December 04, 2007, 06:11:30 06:11 by Trishool »
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2007, 05:18:56 17:18 » |
Hey you might want to check this out. I'ts an application note from maxim with guidelines on how to build the hardware parts aswell as the software. D.
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2007, 08:55:01 20:55 » |
thanks for your attention. I am living in Turkey and sometimes it is very difficult to find specific IC(But i can buy it from farnell).
Trishool, why it is difficult to sense the charcing currunt with resistor. May I use 1 ohm resistor and read the voltage with ADC ? or will be there problem.
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« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2007, 01:22:44 01:22 » |
May I use 1 ohm resistor and read the voltage with ADC ? or will be there problem.
I think you are in the right path if you want it simple, really simple. Big problem when you want to charge a battery is to know how much current you are putting in it. A good solution is to charge with CONSTANT current. And there is a very cheap , easy to get IC that does this, an LM317 programmable Voltage regulator. ( US$ 1 ) Attached is a Proteus simulation showing 2 LM317 s connected in differente ways. Both are powered by an DC Voltage source ( in this case I used a 24 V Battery but could be any other DC voltage source , like Notebook adaptor , etc ) In the IC at top , it is connected as Voltage regulator , with 720 ohm resistor in Adj leg wich will give a good steady 5 Volt output ( for example a PIC power ) The other Resistor between Output leg and Adj leg 240 ohm is only to mantain a minimal current and the regulator active. BUT , the important thing is that LM317 will ALWAYS try to mantain the VOLTAGE between Adj and Output legs in a value = 1.25 Volt . ALWAYS ! By design. You can read the flowing current in the simulation an do the math for the 240 ohm resistor , Voltage acrosss it = 1.25 Volt , ALWAYS. So , if , as you can see in the LM317 at bottom , you connect a 10 Ohm resistance between Output leg and Adj leg , the Voltage across it will be EXACTLY 1.25 Volt , and the current flowing = 0.125 A or 125 mA. Beware that the power dissipated at this resistance can be high , Power = Volt x Current . If using an 1 ohm resistance you will have 1.25 A flowing and power will be 1.25 x 1.25 = 1.56 W. Yo simply connect the Battery to charge , in SERIES with that particular resistance. ( use those big ceramic types ) There you have it , a CONSTANT current charger. From there on you can monitor your charger with the PIC. 1.- Monitor battery voltage 2.- Monitor voltage across series resistance ---> gives you the current , etc. I = V / R Yo know the capacity of the battery you are charging so you can use a timer to control total charging time ( total current ) You can experiment voltage behaviour of particular battery as it is been charged and control charging time according to it , as an alternative. For power sources I have succesfully used leftovers from audio equipment, pulled them out + Rectifying bridge + fat capacitor as mentioned above. This transformers will usually give you two outputs , 22 VAC and 15 VAC. and well above 1.5 A of LM317 capacity. Hope this helps you. Greetings
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« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2007, 07:34:28 07:34 » |
do you have a regulated dc input supply? If u donĀ“t then i think that the output current will be the most important aspect to be taken into account. If u could please especify this aspects we could help u better...
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« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2007, 03:53:49 15:53 » |
perhaps a L200c regulator, orginally designed for lead acid charging to measure I and V with a pic,, NOTE: do NOT put a lage capacitor on the output of any lead acid charger ( its the ripple current that does the charging, just look at your car charger, big transformer but no cap, or altinator big rectifer but no cap) does not require constant current and or voltage most 12v lead acid batteries will be damaged in no time if you discarge them below say 9v,( the plates buckle),if this is likely use a 'leasure' battery designed for deep cycle use
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« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2007, 09:13:08 21:13 » |
What about this one from here and it's wrote in basic and should be easy to port over to Proton or PBP or just just the compiler that come with oshonsoft pic simutlator IDE. Look very good did convert this to Protn but when computer crashed I lost the file, may be I should back up more often wizpic
When you think, "I can't do anymore. I need a break," that is the time to challenge yourself to keep going another five minutes. Those who persevere for even an extra five minutes will win in life..
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2007, 10:52:47 10:52 » |
Her is a nicd/nimh charge I'm playing with ...note the led's on gpio4/5 are not now used as these signals now feed a 74hct164 shift reg that feeds 4 line LCD in nibble mode... this is still undergoung changes.....MIKROBASIC
1> test charger 2> insert/wait for battery 3> precharge 4> charge 5> trickle
program ChargLCD19 ' MIKROBASIC 5.0.2 DEMO VERSION PROGRAM BY MIKE WARDLOW[XTAL] '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' POWER TOOL BATTERY CHARGER 9.6* 14.4 18* ' ' B+ ---|----------------------o-----[LM317]-------------------------R ' R 100 |+ | 1ohm R Rc ' | +5V === | 1K R ' [7805] ---o---o-----| | |----------RRRR------------| ' | | | R xxxx | Diode ' | | === R 470 | |-----------| + ' xxxxxxxxx | | R | R | ' | xxxx | + |/ 10K R | ' o---------o-o-- | ------| -----| 2n2222a R ------- ' | | | R + D L | |\ | --- | ' R 1K R R R E E R v |--------o ------- ' R 510 R R R L D + R 1k | | | --- ' R R R |470 | R | | R | Battery ' | | | | |--o-----| xxxxx | R | ' |------| L L xxxx | | 2.2K R | ' O | E E | | | | | ' | SW | D D |---> |1 | 8|<-- +5V | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ' O | | |---gp5--> |2 | 7|<-- GP0 ----O-< ADC ' | | |-----gp4--> |3 | 6|<-- GP1 --< Temp nu ' XXXX |--------gp3--> |4 |---5|<-- GP2 --> 0=charge 1=not ' 12F683 ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '' GP4 is CLK-P '' GP5 is Databit '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' want to use adc counts/4 = volts ie 100 / 4 = 25 ==> 2.5 volt ' 400 / 4 = 100 ==> 10.0 volt ' if possible 1024 / 4 = 256 ==> 25.6 volt max '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- symbol LED4_ON = gpio.4 = 1 ' Status Led symbol LED4_OFF = gpio.4 = 0 symbol LED5_ON = gpio.5 = 1 ' Charge Led symbol LED5_OFF = gpio.5 = 0 symbol BATT = gpio.0 ' battery input symbol TEMP = gpio.1 = 1 ' Temperature Input symbol SWITCH_IN = GPIO.3 ' for switch input symbol CHARGER_ON = gpio.2 = 0 ' charger output symbol CHARGER_OFF = gpio.2 = 1 symbol eClock = gpio.5=1:gpio.5=0 symbol sClock = gpio.5=1:gpio.5=0 symbol Testcharg = $00 'test charger symbol InstBatt = $10 ' inst battery symbol ONx = $20 symbol OFF = $25 symbol slowc = $30 ' L-3 slowc symbol normc = $38 ' L-3 normc symbol fastc = $40 ' L-3 fastc symbol trickle = $48 ' L-3 trklc symbol Precharg = $60 ' L-3 precharge symbol Ccell = $70 ' L-4 charge cells symbol Finish = $80 ' finish symbol AdjCelCnt=$90 ' ADJ CELL CNT XX symbol ERRORX = $a0 ' ERROR symbol OK = $B0 ' OK symbol ERRx = $B8 ' ER ERROR symbol RmvBatt = $C0 ' L-2 remove battery symbol Press_sw = $D0 ' L-3 Press switch symbol charging = $F0 ' L-1 CHARGING '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIM np1,maxvolts,minvolts,volts AS WORD DIM DB,Factor,F6,cells,ColCtr,pass,pct,chrgdat,termC,pctw AS BYTE dim BatteryVolts, BON_Volts,BVONMAX as word dim B1v1,B1v2,B1v3,B1v4,B1v5, cool as word ' voltage readings dim x2,y as byte dim VFC,VRC,VSC,nibh,nibl,N1,N2,N3,sectr,hrs,mins,secs as byte dim ctime as integer dim xx,aa,bb,cc,dd,N1W,N2W as word dim ee,ff,gg,hh as byte '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' using 10k/2.2k ADC = volts*2200/61 ' max CHARGE volt = 1.7/cell ' max discharged = .7 / cell ' voltconst = #cells * volts/cell * 2200/61 ''const v12L as word = 1*7*220/61 ' 1 * .7 *2200 / 61 ''const v12H as word = 1*17*220/61 ' 1 * 1.7 *2200 / 61
const MaxTime as integer = 2400 ' 4hr = 14400 sec / 6 = 2400
'const Initx as byte[6] = (0x33,0x32,0x28,0x0c,0x06,0x01) '===================================================== 'sub function Eread(dim N01 as byte) as byte ' EEADR= N01 ' EECON1.RD = 1 ' read it ' result = EEDATA 'end sub '==================================================== sub procedure Clr6 gpio.5=0 for x2=1 to 6 gpio.4=0 gpio.4=1 next x2 end sub '============================================================ sub procedure DLY5 delay_ms(5) end sub sub procedure DLY10 delay_ms(10) end sub sub procedure DLY50 delay_MS(50) end sub sub procedure DLY100 delay_ms(100) end sub sub procedure DLY300 delay_ms(300) end sub sub procedure DLY500 delay_MS(500) end sub sub procedure DLY700 delay_ms(700) end sub sub procedure DLY900 delay_ms(900) end sub sub procedure DLY2k delay_ms(2000) end sub '============================================================ sub procedure delays(dim N01 as byte) for xx=1 to N01 DLY10 next xx end sub '============================================================ sub procedure hexbcd(dim N01 as word) aa=N01 bb=aa div 10 cc=aa div 100 dd=aa div 1000 ee=aa mod 10 or $30 ff=bb mod 10 or $30 gg=cc mod 10 or $30 hh=dd mod 10 or $30 end sub '============================================================ sub procedure hextime(dim N01 as word) N2W = N01 N1W = N2W div 60 secs = N2W mod 60 mins = N1W mod 60 hrs = N1W div 60 end sub '============================================================ SUB FUNCTION PROCESS(dim chnl as byte) AS WORD delay_ms(2) ''delay_ms(1) ADCON0 = (0x81 or chnl << 2) ' RIGHT JUSTIFY VDD REF CHANNELX Delay_US(100) ' WAIT 100US AFTER ADON / CHNL CHANGE ADCON0.GO = 1 ' START CONVERSION WHILE ADCON0.GO WEND NP1 = ADRESH * 256 + ADRESL '' NP1 = ADRESH << 8 + ADRESL RESULT = NP1 ' current average battery voltage END SUB '=============================================================================== sub procedure MemUp ' v0==>v1==>v2==>v3==>v4==>v5 B1v5=B1v4 B1v4=B1v3 B1v3=B1v2 B1v2=B1v1 B1v1 = BatteryVolts end sub '====================================================== sub procedure LnClkNIB(dim N01 as byte) ' N01 = _ _ RS d7 d6 d5 d4 E y = N01 ' sr-bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 gpio.5=0 for x2 = 1 to 6 ' clock nibble into Sreg bit if Y.0=1 then gpio.5=1 end if Y = Y >> 1 gpio.4=0 gpio.4=1 gpio.5=0 next x2 gpio.5=0 ' shift in x - x & D/Eclock gpio.4=0 gpio.4=1 gpio.4=0 gpio.4=1 gpio.5=1 gpio.5=0 Clr6 delay_us(150) ' clear out sr and wait 150 end sub '===================================================== sub procedure SendCmd(dim N02 as byte) nibh = (N02 >> 3 and $1E)or 1 nibl = (N02 << 1 and $1E) or 1 LnClkNIB(nibh) LnClkNIB(nibl) end sub '===================================================== sub procedure SendData(dim N02 as byte) nibh = (N02 >> 3 and $1E)or $21 nibl = (N02 << 1 and $1E) or $21 LnClkNIB(nibh) LnClkNIB(nibl) end sub '=============================================== sub procedure DispEprom(dim N01 as byte) EEADR = N01 While 1 EECON1.0=1 N1=EEDATA IF N1=0 then exit end if IF (N1 < 128) then SendData(N1) else SendCmd(N1) end if EEADR = EEADR + 1 wend end sub '============================================== sub procedure clr(dim N01 as byte) select case N01 case 1 xx=$80 case 2 xx=$C0 case 3 xx=$90 case 4 xx=$D0 end select SendCmd(xx) for xx=1 to 16 SendData(" ") next xx end sub '=============================================== sub procedure DispASCII(dim N01 as byte) N1=N01>>4 N2=N01 and 15 if N1>9 then N1=(N1-9) or $40 else N1=N1 or $30 end if if N2>9 then N2=(N2-9) or $40 else N2=N2 or $30 end if SendData(N1) SendData(N2) end sub '==================================================== sub procedure DispVolts(dim N01 as word) ''N3=hi(Batteryvolts) DispASCII(N3) N3=lo(Batteryvolts) DispASCII(N3) hexbcd((N01*10)/37) ''SendData(hh) SendData(gg) SendData(ff) SendData(".") SendData(ee) end sub '==================================================== sub procedure DispASCword(dim N01 as word) N3=hi(N01) DispASCII(N3) N3=lo(N01) DispASCII(N3) end sub '------------------------------------------------- 'sub procedure DispString(dim byref N01 as string[16]) ' z2=0 ' while N01[z2] <> 0 ' z1=N01[z2] ' if z1 >127 then ' SendCmd(z1) ' set position ' else ' SendData(z1) ' display data ' end if ' z2=z2+1 ' wend 'end sub '==================================================== sub procedure DispBattVolts(dim N01 as byte) SendCmd(N01) DispVolts(BatteryVolts) end sub '==================================================== sub procedure DispONOFF(dim N01 as byte) ' L1-$80 L2-$C0 L3-$90 L4-$D0 SendCmd(N01) DispEprom(ONx) DispVolts(BON_Volts) SendData(" ") DispEprom(OFF) DispVolts(BatteryVolts) end sub '====================================================== sub procedure PCTP if pct< 25 then pct=pct+5 end if end sub '===================================================== sub procedure PCTM if pct>5 then pct=pct-5 end if end sub '===================================================== sub procedure PCTS if pct>5 then pct=pct-1 end if end sub '==================================================== sub procedure VCHECK if BatteryVolts = B1v5 then '------------------------------ BV =B1V5 SAME chrgdat = "S" VFC=3 VRC=3 VSC=VSC-1 PCTS if VSC = 0 then Factor = 6 termC="S" end if goto VCENDB end if VSC=10 if BatteryVolts < B1v5 then '------------------------------- BV < B1v5 FALLING chrgdat="F" VRC=3 VFC=VFC-1 PCTP if VFC=0 then factor=6 VFC=3 termC="F" end if ' else '------------------------------------------------------ BV > B1V5 RISING chrgdat="R" VFC=3 VRC=VRC-1 PCTM if VRC=0 then VRC=3 if factor<5 then factor=factor+1 end if end if end if VCendB: if PROCESS(1)>0x3ff then cool=180 F6=Factor end if ' 3 minutes cooling VCendA: if ctime<=0 then ctime=4*60*60 F6=Factor Factor=9 termC="T" end if SendCmd(ColCtr) if pass=1 then SendData(chrgdat) else SendData(chrgdat or $20) end if end sub '=============================================================================== sub function charge() as byte pctw=100-pct if cool=0 then charger_on select case Factor case 3 DLY300 case 4 DLY700 case 5 DLY900 case 6 'select case pct case 25 DLY100 DLY100 dly50 ' 25 % ' case 20 DLY100 DLY100 ' 20% ' case 15 DLY100 DLY50 ' 15 % ' case 10 DLY100 ' 10% ' case 5 DLY50 ' 5% 'end select delays(pct) end select BON_volts = PROCESS(0) charger_off if BON_volts > BVONMAX then Factor = 99 exit end if select case Factor case 3 DLY700 case 4 DLY300 case 5 DLY100 case 6 delays(pctw) 'DLY900 end select else DLY100 DLY900 cool = cool -1 end if BatteryVolts = PROCESS(0) if sectr = 0 then MemUp sectr=30 ColCtr=colctr+1 if ColCtr=$A0 then ColCtr=$9A pass = pass xor 1 end if VCHECK end if ctime=ctime-1 sectr=sectr -1 result=Factor
SendCmd($80) '' DispASCword(ctime) SendData(" ") ' Line-1 ctime hextime(ctime) hexbcd(hrs) SendData(ee) SendData(":") hexbcd(mins) SendData(ff) SendData(ee) SendData(":") hexbcd(secs) SendData(ff) SendData(ee) SendData(" ")
'''DispASCii(sectr) SendData(" ") ' sectr 'hexbcd(sectr) SendData(ff) sendData(ee) SendData(" ") DispASCii(VFC) SendData(" ") DispASCii(VRC) SendData(" ") DispASCii(VSC) DispONOFF($90) ' display on/off battery volts on line SendCmd($D0) SendData("T") SendData("=") SendData(termC) end sub '=============================================================================== ' Check the three state inputs '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'SUB FUNCTION PINSTATE(DIM PINX AS BYTE) AS WORD ' PORT A/B 5/6 ' TRISB.PINX = 0 ' SET AS OUTPUT ' PORTB.PINX = 0 ' SET PIN LO ' TRISB.PINX = 1 ' SET PIN AS INPUT ' IF PORTB.PINX = 1 THEN ' STRAPPED HI ? ' RESULT = 2000 ' ELSE ' TRISB.PINX = 0 ' SET AS OUTPUT ' PORTB.PINX = 1 ' SET PIN HI ' TRISB.PINX = 1 ' SET AS INPUT ' IF PORTB.PINX = 0 THEN ' STRAPPED LO ' RESULT = 1000 ' ELSE ' RESULT = 1500 ' END IF ' END IF 'END SUB '=============================================================================== sub function TestCharger() as byte '361 => 10volts Charger ok Charger_OFF DLY100 BatteryVolts = PROCESS(0) ' get charger off voltage if BatteryVolts < 93 then Charger_ON DLY50 BON_Volts = PROCESS(0) '93 if BON_Volts > 361 then DispEprom(OK) RESULT = "I" BVONMAX = BON_Volts - 25 else DispEprom(ERRx) RESULT = 99 end if ' ERROR else ' press sw after batt removed ' goto MAIN1 if BatteryVolts<972 then DispEprom(RmvBatt) while switch_in=1 wend Result=98 else DispEprom(ERRx) RESULT = 99 end if ' ERROR end if Charger_OFF DLY900 end sub '==============================================+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sub function CHARGER_ERR() as byte ' 27 volts *2200/61 = 974 CHARGER_OFF clr(4) ' clear Line 4 while switch_in=1 SendCmd($D0) ' Line 4 if pass=1 then DispEprom($A0) else DispEprom($50) end if pass=pass xor 1 DLY100 DLY100 wend Result = 98 ' press Sw ' goto main1 end sub '=============================================================================== sub function Wait4Battery() as byte BatteryVolts = 0 b1v1 = 0 b1v2 = 0 b1v3 = 0 b1v4 = 0 b1v5 = 0 Charger_off ' WAIT4BATTERY W4B: BatteryVolts = PROCESS(0) ' VOLTS * 2200 / 61 = ADC value DispONOFF($C0) if BatteryVolts>93 then goto W4A end if ' 75 if Switch_in = 0 then goto W4A end if DLY100 goto W4B W4A: RESULT = "P" ' PRECHARGE DLY300 SendCmd($8D) DispEprom(OK) DLY700 end sub '=============================================================================== sub procedure DispQsec(Dim N01 as word,dim N02 as byte) hexbcd(N01/4) SendCmd(N02) SendData(gg) SendData(ff) SendData(ee) ' L-3 pass # / 4 = seconds end sub '=============================================================================== ' After detecting a battery connected determine # of cells and use switch ' to adjust....update battery readings every 200 MS for 1 minute after ' last switch press.. ' CELL COUNT [Press Switch - observe count] 1 - 15 cells....... '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub function PRECHARGE() as byte PRECHARGE: for xx=1 to 360 ' 360/4 = 90 seconds charger_on DLY50 BON_Volts=PROCESS(0) charger_off DLY100 DLY100 BatteryVolts=PROCESS(0) MemUp DispONOFF($C0) ' L-2 DispQsec(xx,$9d) ' L-3 seconds next xx ' adc*61/(2200*1.25) cells = BatteryVolts *61 / 2970 ' 1.35*2200=2970 if cells>15 then cells=15 end if ' 1.25*2200=2750 xx=300 cellcount: xx=xx-1 hexbcd(cells) DispEprom(AdjCelCnt) SendData(ff) SendData(ee) DispQsec(xx,$9d) ' L-3 seconds BatteryVolts = PROCESS(0) DispONOFF($C0) ' L-2 if Switch_in = 0 then ' pressed = 0 while Switch_in = 0 wend ' debounce cells = cells+1 if cells >= 16 then cells = 1 end if xx = 300 goto cellcount ' reset counter end if DLY100 if xx > 0 then goto cellcount end if minvolts = cells*8*220/61 ' #cells * .8 * 2200/61 volts = cells*15*220/61 maxvolts = cells*17*220/61 ' ?charging volts ctime = 2*60*60 ' set 2 hour timer = 7200 sec cool = 0 ' set cooling = off RESULT = 3 clr(1) ' clear Line 1 for stat disp clr(3) ' L-3 clear line end sub '=============================================================================== MAIN: OSCCON = 0X70 ' 8 MHZ INTERNAL .75% PER STEP OSCTUNE = 0 '0X1D ' 0X0F MAX FREQ ' 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 ' 0X00 CENTER FREQ ' 0X1F MIN 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 ' 0X10 MIN FREQ ' SLOW 8US/300US = 2.6% = 3.5 STEPS TRY 0X03 ' FAST 6US/300US = 2.0% = 2.6 STEPS TRY 0X12 CCP1CON = 0 'CMCON = 7 'PORTA = 0 'PORTB = 0 'TRISA = %00100001 'TRISB = %11111111 trisio = %00001011 ' gp0=adc GP1 = ADC gp3=in '==================================================================== ' STOP THE TIMERS USING 8MHZ BASE FREQ OSC/4 = 2MHZ .5US/CYC '-------------------------------------------------------------------- 'OPTION_REG = 1 ' PRESCALE 1:4 2US RESOLUTION 12F683/16F88 INTCON.T0IE = 0 ' BLOCK TMR0 INTERRUPT T1CON = 0X10 ' 1:2=1US RESOLUTION & STOPPED 0X01=RUN ' B7=0= 2 8-BIT WRITES HI/LO T2CON = 0X05 ' 1:4=2US RESOLUTION & STOPPED 0X04=RUN '=================================================================== ' ENABLE INTS ' ' setbit(pie1,adie) ' ENABLE ADC CONVERSION INTERRUPT ' setbit(pie1,tmr2ie) ' ENABLE TIMER 2 INTERRUPT ' setbit(pie1,tmr1ie) ' ENABLE TIMER 1 INTERRUPT ' setbit(intcon,T0IE) ' ENABLE TIMER 0 INTERRUPT ' setbit(intcon,peie) ' ENABLE PERIPHERAL INTERRUPTS '''' setbit(intcon,gpie) ' ENABLE PINCHANGE INTERRUPTS ' PIR1.TMR1IF = 0 ' CLEAR ANY PEND T1 INT ' setbit(intcon,gie) ' ENABLE ALL INTERRUPTS '=============================================================================== MAIN1: '''ANSEL = 0X7F ' FOSC/16[8MHZ CLOCK] chn 0,1,2,3 ANSEL = 0x53 ' fosc/16[8mhz] chan 0,1 ADCON0 = 0X01 ' C C C GO ON cells = 15 ' ADCON1 = %01111110 '0X00 1 ANALOG INPUTS AN0 ' ADCON2 = %10101101 ' RJ TAD16 FOSC/16 CHARGER_OFF '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIR1.TMR1IF = 0 ' CLEAR ANY PEND T1 INT '-------------------------------------------- gpio.4=1 ' set initial cloxk state Clr6 ' clear shift reg Clr6 delay_ms(50) ' power on wait '============================================================== ' Intitalize LCD to 4 bit '-------------------------------------------------------------- LnClkNIB(7) ' 3 N01 = _ _ RS d7 d6 d5 d4 E DLY5 LnClkNIB(7) ' 3 N01 = _ _ RS d7 d6 d5 d4 E delay_ms(1) LnClkNIB(7) ' 3 N01 = _ _ RS d7 d6 d5 d4 E DLY5 LnClkNIB(5) ' 2 N01 = _ _ RS d7 d6 d5 d4 E SendCmd($0E) ' cursor underline MAIN2: SendCmd($01) ' Clr display DLY5 Factor = "T" '============================================================= ' Test Leds / Outputs '------------------------------------------------------------- sectr = 1 ' preset second counter cool = 0 ' preset cooloff time in seconds ColCtr = $99 ' pass=0 termC="x" BON_Volts=0 VFC=3 VRC=3 VSC=10 pct=15 while 1 Select case factor case "T" clr(1) DispEprom(Testcharg) ' Line 1 - display "Test Charger" DLY2k factor = TestCharger ' TestCharger returns 1=charger ok 99=error case "I" clr(1) DispEprom(InstBatt) ' Line 2 - "install batt" factor = Wait4Battery ' Wait4Battery returns Factor code 2=precharge case "P" DispEprom(Precharg) ' Line 3 - "PRECHARGE" Factor = PRECHARGE ' PRECHARGE returns 3= slow charge case 3 DispEprom(slowC) ' slow charge 30% DispASCII($30) SendData("%") charge case 4 DispEprom(normC) ' normal charge 70% DispASCII($70) SendData("%") charge case 5 DispEprom(fastC) ' fast charge 90% DispASCII($90) SendData("%") charge case 6 ' SendCmd($C0) ' DispEprom(finish) ' L-2 FINISH DispEprom(Trickle) ' L-3 TRKL xx% hexbcd(pct) SendData(ff) SendData(ee) SendData("%") charge ' goto charge_fin case 7 case 8 case 9 cool = 1 charge if ctime<=5 then ctime=2*60*60 Factor=F6 end if ' Trickle case 98 goto MAIN2 case 99 factor = Charger_Err end select
END. ''''----------------EPROM FILE .eep 0x00 80 54 45 53 54 20 43 48 41 52 47 45 52 20 00 FF 0x10 80 49 4E 53 54 20 42 41 54 54 45 52 59 20 00 FF 0x20 C0 4F 4E 20 00 C8 4F 46 46 20 00 FF FF FF FF FF 0x30 90 53 4C 4F 57 43 20 00 90 4E 4F 52 4D 43 20 00 0x40 90 46 41 53 54 43 20 00 90 54 52 4B 4C 43 20 00 0x50 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 45 52 52 4F 52 00 0x60 90 50 52 45 43 48 41 52 47 45 20 00 FF FF FF FF 0x70 D0 43 45 4C 4C 53 20 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x80 46 49 4E 49 53 48 20 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 0x90 D0 41 44 4A 20 43 45 4C 4C 20 43 4E 54 20 00 FF 0xA0 45 52 52 4F 52 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 0xB0 4F 4B 00 FF 52 42 00 FF 45 52 00 FF FF FF FF FF 0xC0 C0 52 45 4D 4F 56 45 20 42 41 54 54 45 52 59 20 0xD0 90 50 52 45 53 53 20 53 57 49 54 43 48 20 20 00 0xE0 90 41 44 4A 55 53 54 20 43 45 4C 4C 20 00 FF FF 0xF0 80 20 20 20 20 43 48 41 52 47 49 4E 47 00 FF FF
« Last Edit: December 10, 2007, 11:24:56 11:24 by Bart »
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« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2007, 01:08:06 13:08 » |
Bart, are you charging batteries with the program you have written ? by the way its seems to be a nice program you have written , i was doing one with a pic16f877 but i stopped as lack of time. do you have the circuit in proteus format? thank shailesh
« Last Edit: December 10, 2007, 01:42:08 13:42 by shailesh5 »
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« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2007, 02:08:04 14:08 » |
i have just tried to use ure design of charger but i get errors, can u post the design again thanking you in advance shailesh
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« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2007, 06:08:33 18:08 » |
Texas has a good project for MS430 with source code, maybe help you do make by pic
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« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2007, 08:36:03 20:36 » |
Here is another good link with chargers on it and other stuff a very good site, you can even monitor it with PC
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« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2007, 05:33:58 17:33 » |
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« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2007, 01:41:52 13:41 » |
Hi, Here is a good lead acid charger circuit controlled by pic micro. EPE-January 2007 & february2007 regards. yugal
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« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2008, 05:02:50 17:02 » |
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« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2008, 07:13:18 07:13 » |
Micrichip has in this serie of processors a specialised processor . There is also software for it i think it was called powertool 200 . didnt build this charger myself (yet) . But i bumped into it doing some research about charging with microchip . There are 3 different processors for lead acid ,nickel & lithium ion battery's . Good luck .
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« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2008, 05:22:11 17:22 » |
You can measure current with an acs750 . Its a current sensor based on the hall principia . A low ohm resistor is ofcourse possible but you will have to write a routine to compensate the voltage over the resistor . Something like , Vbatt = Vmeasured - (r * Imeasured) Cheap dirty and a lil dissapative but if the power isnt to high its not much of a problem . Personaly i use the acs whenever i need ampere readings to my micro's but thats personal i guess Good luck .
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« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2008, 03:34:42 03:34 » |
You can build a circuits by yourself, you can use a programmable regulator with LM2576-adj. find a datasheet of LM2576 on the internet and repleacement R2 with digital potensiometer like DS1267. Now U can just program it by PIC to chargeing a lead acid battery