A few day ago, I happily decided to buy another wifi module, and being heard too much nodemcu and LUA, and being so stupid, I bought one of those, a
Nodemcu with LUA ESP8266 programmable. (and because of its price, of course). I haven´t got it yet (probably near the end of the next week, thank you Easter..
), but I decided to become serious, and... Surprise!!!! Docs says that I have to learn a script language named LUA, made by some guys from Brazil...
Sincerely, I understand why they created a script language... but I´m not ready to spend time in another new script language... I´m too old and lazy for that (means that if I have to do this I´ll curse the module, the chip, the script language, and my self stupidity, and still cursing, I´ll start to learn LUA).
But, of course, if anyone know the way to modify that firmware to avoid using LUA and only work with pure C functions and libraries, will make me really happy.
The trap was the availability of the direct USB programming through an USB cable and a CH340 chip. And my lazyness in checking info before buy something...