Could you add some info/documentation for the project and how to use it, and what is intended use is for.
documentation but this I give.
If you are interessed, I can explain it better later. Do you know about Modbus?
This project is resumed below:
It is a simple remote I/O with 5 digital inputs and 5 digital outputs.
The inputs are transfered to Modbus in the input status register.
The Modbus protocol can read the outputs (coils) and force its values too.
The slave address is changed in the first Hold Register - Address default == 0xFF
The implemented functions and it limits are:
Function 1 Read Coil Status - 5 outputs
Function 2 Read Input Status - 5 inputs
Function 3 Read Holding Register - 1 HR -> Slave address
Function 5 Force single coil - 5 coils
Function 6 Preset Single Register - 1 HR -> slave address
There is no error checking like functiona address, data size. there are only function exist checking.
Anyting else? Please, let me know
Best Regards.
Posted on: November 14, 2020, 04:36:59 16:36 - Automerged
Thanks for this. I'm a huge fan of MODBUS for multidevice communication. It is so trim and simple (especially if you only implement multiword read/write functions).
We often talk customers out of using CAN, Ethernet/IP and other protocols that are pretty heavy from a microcontroller standpoint.
I think that we must use the better solution for each problem.
I've used Modbus in the most project I've made. I think is insane to use heavy protocol for little devices without a good reason.
Best Regards.