Thanks Optikon for your answer,
The LPF is used to attenuate the clock of an high order switching capacitor filter (generate variable frequency, crystal controlled sine wave from square wave); I can compensate for phase in digital domain but the application is multichannel, so it's very difficult to replicate the same analog filter on each channel due to the components tolerance. Also, a multichannel DDS gets too expensive.
Anyway, I'll try to push higher as much as I can the rolloff frequency...
Thanks and most appreciate your suggestions.
If you can use LTspice or other spice sim, you can try an ideal square wave clock fed to a single pole LPF.
You can then try push pole location according to
1) High as possible until you do not get enough clock attenuation.
2) Low as possible until you see too much phase at 120Hz
If you can do more than 1 order, it helps. butterworth or other types can give very strong attenuation roll offs