I have been used Pic microcontroller in several years. I also used CCS, MPLAB to program Pic but when I use Mikro, it really make me supprise!. Easy to learn, easy to use. So I would like to share my knowledge about MikroC.
The microcontroller that I presents in this post is PIC16F887 which is so common.
Now let's begin!
Tutorial 1: Creat new Project and make a acquainted
- You need download MikroC PRO for Pic compiler. It's available at
Mikroelektronika site in evaluation version. After that, you can get cracked in this forum.
- After installing the software, you launch it then you will see the window as following:
if there is any thing which appearing, you click Project menu,choose Close Project to close it
- Begin a new Project: you click Project menu again, click New Project, a window will appear, you click Next button in this window
Then you choose your microcontroller in the second step at Device Name, this example pick 16F887, click Next to jump over
in the thrid step, you specify the speed of xtal at Device clock, I type 20.000 for xtal 20MHz, then click Next button
Step 4: you specify the director of the folder that save your project
Step 5: you jump over without change anything
Step 6: you pick the radio button at Include None
Step 7: And the last, you click Finish button
And the window will appear as following:
Your code will be placed between symbol "{" and "}"
Tutorial 2: Programming input - output see attached file
Next tutorial will be basic C languages.