I want to get the idea of other users about HiTech,because I new in it,I should select between Hitech and MPLAB C,I do not want to waste many time with try and error.
Do you mean that Hitech compilers for PIC10,12,16 and PIC18 will be stopped and discontinued?
and microchip only will provide Hitech for PIC24,dsPIC,PIC32?
You got it wrong. The HI-Tech compilers for PIC10,12,16 and PIC18 will be kept. The rest dropped. If you go to the HI-Tech web site you will se that . The HI-Tech C compilers for PIC24 MCUs, dsPIC DSCs and PIC32 MCUs. Is not recommended in new designs. The storry is that MIcrochip purchased HI-Tech for about 1 year ago. And now they have chopped it up.