Hi all,
First of all i'm sorry if i misplaced the topic. While I was looking for thermopile sensors and circuits around net, I've came across this:"
http://paparazzi.enac.fr/wiki/Image:IR_double_small_schematic.png " As you all can see, it uses two thermopile couples for stabilization system of an UAV. Sensors are MLX90247, with pin out of
(1)OUT_IR+ IR positive out
(3)OUT_IR- IR negative out
(4)Vss-thermistor ground
What I didn't understood from the schematic is, what's the use of connecting Vcc to ground pins and one of positive pin, and connecting negative outputs of a pair together? I usually use differential input opamps for sensor interfacing with usual setup, just wondered whats the principle of this circuit scheme. Thanks for the help,
King Regards,