guys,now a days i am doing a project on automatic traffic control system depending on cars the roads where the no of cars will be more that signal will remain open for longer time compared to less amount of car's road.i am trying to develop it with matlab image processing.matlab already gave some tutorial about vehicle detecting(only for bright colored car) my work is little i am facing problem in multiframe Acquisition.i am writting the bellow code:-
% Create video input object.
vidobj = videoinput('winvideo', 1);
vidobj.FrameGrabInterval = 5;
set(vidobj, 'TriggerRepeat', inf);
set(vidobj, 'FramesPerTrigger', 50);
%numAvail = vidobj.FramesAvailable
framesavailable = get(vidobj, 'FramesAvailable')
in both the time i am getting
so,i cannt grab the multiframes but can take snapshot easily.can take multiple shot through my youcam software.i am getting the input from my webcam.some data of my webcam is given bellow:-
ans =
InstalledAdaptors: {'coreco' 'winvideo'}
MATLABVersion: '7.6 (R2008a)'
ToolboxName: 'Image Acquisition Toolbox'
ToolboxVersion: '3.1 (R2008a)'
ans =
AdaptorDllName: [1x81 char]
AdaptorDllVersion: '3.1 (R2008a)'
AdaptorName: 'winvideo'
DeviceIDs: {[1] [2]}
DeviceInfo: [1x2 struct]
device1 = hwInfo.DeviceInfo(1)
device1 =
DefaultFormat: 'YUY2_160x120'
DeviceFileSupported: 0
DeviceName: 'USB Video Device'
DeviceID: 1
ObjectConstructor: 'videoinput('winvideo', 1)'
SupportedFormats: {1x5 cell}
someone would help me how can i get multiframe in matlab with my this webcam?