What I was lookng for is how he is doing his one time calibration without no trim pots, I've attached the schematic and calibration procedure, Not sure what the resalution is like, I just like the idea and wanted to try and use his idea, by looking at the schematic he is using a high and a low inoput then some how using that to calibrate the voltage reading.
Attached is the schematic and calibration procedure, I think is is part of it but not quote sure
void setVoltageRail50(int i)
doEnterNumberMenu((rom char*) "+5V Rail (V)?", 4.0, 6.0, 2, (double*)&voltageRail50);
void calibrateVoltageRail50(int i)
double g;
void setVoltageRail33(int i)
doEnterNumberMenu((rom char*) "+3.3V Rail (V)? ", 3.0, 3.6, 2, &voltageRail33);