Since I'm poor, I bought a Velleman programmer kit K8048 for the 12 and 14 bit core PIC:s. I have problems with downloading HI-TECH16 and 18 hexfiles due to wrong file formats. All my basic compilers are able to download the hefiles correctly, and also MPLAB C18 compilers produce hexfiles suitable for Velleman programmer.
The Mikroelektronika MikroC hexfiles is by now the only C-compiler for 12 and 14 MCU core PIC:s that produce correct hexfiles for the Velleman programmer. One problem I discovered is that HT-PICC16 andPICC18 produce an assembler file with the file extension .as(via a command line option) but this file canĀ“t be processed by MPLAB MPASM or MPASMWIN which generates correct hexfiles.
Later on I will upgrade to Micochip ICD2 programmer/debugger. Is there anybody who tried to use CCS C-compiler with ICD2? If not, I can unload CCS C from MPLAB IDE
Since you are bunch with significant knowledge, I appreiciate an answer