You could use AVR ATtiny2313 as an USB interface chip.
Implementation USB into microcontroller: IgorPlug-USB (AVR) USB project USB device without dedicated USB hardware
AVR-USB is a firmware-only implementation of a USB 1.1 compliant low-speed device for Atmel's AVR microcontrollers. It runs on any AVR microcontroller which has at least 2 kB of Flash memory, 128 bytes RAM and can be clocked at 12 MHz. No UART, timer, input capture unit or other special hardware is required (except one edge triggered interrupt).
AVR-USB can be licensed freely under the GNU General Public License or alternatively under a commercial license.
Similar project web site AVRCDC is an USB-RS232C interface using CDC (Communication Device Class) protocol on USB 1.1. Although CDC is a part of USB 2.0 standard, it works on low speed USB with slower speed. ATtiny45 can handle the 4800bps 8N1 well enough.
1. No dedicated driver necessary. CDC loads Windows built-in usbser.sys.
2. Very low cost. With ATtiny45, this is the cheapest solution for the USB-RS232C interface.