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« on: December 21, 2007, 03:12:03 15:12 » |
In the inc.fail the program generates tables but no information is called from them that is they are not used at all. I can not understand why they apear. In this version CVAVR 1.25.8 in ......project_file.inc besides definition of registers where the compilator writes bit variables, global variables, HEAP START MARKER INITIALIZATION and so on, he generates these tables also.
_3: .DB 0x1 _0xAE: .DB 0x0,0x0 .DB 0x0,0x0 _0xBF: .DB 0x0,0x0 .DB 0x0,0x0 .DB 0x0,0x0 .DB 0x0,0x0 _tbl10_G2: .DB 0x10,0x27,0xE8,0x3,0x64,0x0,0xA,0x0 .DB 0x1,0x0 _tbl16_G2: .DB 0x0,0x10,0x0,0x1,0x10,0x0,0x1,0x0 _432: .DW 0x00
Here AVR STUDIO Disasembles this code. +00000013: 0001 ??? Data or unknown opcode +00000014: 0000 NOP No operation +00000015: 0000 NOP No operation +00000016: 0000 NOP No operation +00000017: 0000 NOP No operation +00000018: 0000 NOP No operation +00000019: 0000 NOP No operation +0000001A: 2710 EOR R17,R16 Exclusive OR +0000001B: 03E8 FMULSU R22,R16 Fractional multiply signed with unsigned +0000001C: 0064 ??? Data or unknown opcode +0000001D: 000A ??? Data or unknown opcode +0000001E: 0001 ??? Data or unknown opcode +0000001F: 1000 CPSE R0,R0 Compare, skip if equal +00000020: 0100 MOVW R0,R0 Copy register pair +00000021: 0010 ??? Data or unknown opcode +00000022: 0001 ??? Data or unknown opcode +00000023: 0000 NOP No operation +00000024: 0140 MOVW R8,R0 Copy register pair +00000025: 0000 NOP No operation +00000026: 0000 NOP No operation +00000027: 0004 ??? Data or unknown opcode +00000028: 0456 CPC R5,R6 Compare with carry +00000029: 004A ??? Data or unknown opcode +0000002A: 0002 ??? Data or unknown opcode +0000002B: 0002 ??? Data or unknown opcode +0000002C: 0048 ??? Data or unknown opcode +0000002D: 0001 ??? Data or unknown opcode +0000002E: 000C ??? Data or unknown opcode +0000002F: 0026 ??? Data or unknown opcode +00000030: 0002 ??? Data or unknown opcode +00000031: 0420 CPC R2,R0 Compare with carry +00000032: 0046 ??? Data or unknown opcode +00000033: 0000 NOP No operation