Hi Guys, If some guys here belong to Elektdoda.pl/eboard , would know , how the downfall came on the complaints lodged by Keil company, the matter went on for so many days this and that . And Gulson (Administator) at last has to wipe almost all the posts and links from the forum. Today one cant even share cr@cks there and the forum edaboard is under such a suspision that , I find no charm being there.
I am seeing the similar
rise of SONSIVRI , and would like to say that you guys has to do some thing to protect the forum. I dont know what laws your server obeys , but would never like the similar thing to happen here . I have seen Sonsivri when there were only few posts in the forum and downloaded great software from here . I would request sonsivri , to get cautious and save the forum.
hxxp://www.picbasic.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-7539.html is one such discussion where picbasic guys seems to be annoyed. Its of greatest stupidity that the user kept same name "Iain " at bot the forums and the picbasic person is also a member here ironically
Keep up the good work guys!!!
If you want to see I still have debut images here to recall old time: