heyya guyz,
I start this topic because I consider AT90USB series to be good because of price.
I think there is no other controller with USB inside at this price...
For example digikey sell an AT90USB82-16MU with 3.23USD @ 1pc and 2.17 @ 100pcs.
I find some good starting code refferences
http://www.ssalewski.de/Misc.html.en and here:
http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/tools_card.asp?tool_id=3878can be also a very good ideea to port USBprog (see:
http://www.sonsivri.com/forum/index.php?topic=5992.0) on this type of controller.
Anyway, please, put in this thread any refference and C or ASM source code related to AT90USB...