Dear Madmax & Wizpic .
Let me start with thanking for your reply's .
Now about my regulated load .
There are a few criteria that i setted for it .
The optical isolation is sort of mandatory because the load will be regulated from a plc .
0 ... 10 Volt makes 0 ... 200 Ampere ,or possibly voltage regulation mode 0 ... 10 volt makes 0 ... 30 volts .
The main victims on test will be battery chargers (so far simple & easy) but also dynamo's for cars and trucks .
The latter ones can create spikes of upto lets say 150 Volt .
These requirements make that i take a overload capacity of 50 % (45 volt - 300 Ampere)
Further the fact that i will regulate the load from a plc makes it absolutly neccasery that i have optical isolation.
The damage a 150 Ampere charger will do in your computer aint solvable with a simple fuse
The load (resistors) itself will be splitted over 5(10) big heatsinks with 9-300 Watt resistors sandwiched between 2 heatsinks .
On the pictures attached you can see the 1000 Watt Discharger-charger that brought me to the plan to build this regulated load .
For this regulated load i wanted to use the same aproach but instead of SG3525 i use 877A for easyer interfacing & measuring .
Current measurement will be done with ACS750 (providing optical isolation) on every (resistor) module followed by a summing amplifier .
That way i avoid that i have to design a hallsensor meter for 200 Ampere but i can easily feed it into the pic .
Gatesignals from the pwm to the gates can be easily putted through a optocoupler into a ir2101 gatedriver .
My doubts arise with the voltage measurement ,i tryed some simulations in Proteus with lm331 to convert voltage to frequency > opto >vice versa .
Those results didn't really convince me that was the right way to do it .
The second option i thought of was to use my remaining pwm output > opto > mosfet swithing a forward transformer .
Being unregulated i expect on my secundary , input voltage > output voltage = Npri > Nsec .
If anyone of you has idea's on how to get relativly accurate an analog signal transfered isolated i would be very pleased to discuss that .
Except some hobby trials of dc-dc converters and modifeid sinus inverters i never builded smps,s .
My knowledge in that aspect doesnt go much further then what i learned from the pressman & brown books.
For now this is a little my bottleneck .
About my code & simulations .
To be honest its written in Mikrobasic and very messy (but working ,it is my first program in Mikrobasic)
As it is now in constant change i would be ashamed to put it here
The simulations i made are for now nothing more then all 4 input signals (ampere reading ,temperature ,voltage & the voltage to set pwm)
My displays shows those values + a scope to show the pwm created .
In the code i still have to add :
Feedback from currentsensor (true amperes) > setted value ,the start value now assumes maximum input voltage at start .
I will have to add a routine that decreases duty cycle till it matches the setted values .
Voltage mode & possibly as protection involve the lm 35 to decrease dutycycle when things get to hot .
In itself i chose to do my simulations like this to keep it bearable (and fast) on my computer .
(afterall there is no use to have it simulate mosfetdrivers etc. etc. when all you want to know for now is if your program works)
Not to mention i have that stage builded and tested in the discharger i previously mentioned and attached on the pictures .
If the design or idea intrests you i can upload the pcb for the discharger .
Regulation goes by potentiometer ,shutdown by termistor or 5 volt from a processor .
Also it has reverse polarity signalisation & ventilator control .
The BIG regulated load has no pcb yet and the schematics are for now only in my head *blush*
But i will keep you posted about the progress ,i just ordered my resistors and trials will start when i have them here .
The problem i want to solve is this .
When i have to test a battery charger i'm always messing with halogens or even resistors in garbage cans of water .
I want to build a load that i can just put in the corner & set 25 or lets say 50 or a 100 Amperes of load without 20 halogens or buckets
Have a nice eve .