There is no commercial angle to the project. It was just a COVID lockdown project (to keep the idle mind busy).
Since I spent a considerable time and effort (
to build the HW, firmware and the Android App), the idea was to provide something to the average electronics enthusiast so that they can assemble, build and be proud of their of their achievement. That is why I have used THT components (except for some SMD stuff).
The hardware part is easy to opensource, but the software is not easy to opensource, because I am using an RTOS for which royalty needs to be paid (which the Chinese model's definitely don't use, they just use a while(1){;} or for{;;} something in those lines). Also if you have observed, the local Chinese products don't last long (unless built by a reputed company). I had brought one of those small LED matrix 1/2" display units from Banggood. The thing worked for about 6 months and then the LED's started to fail one after another until I had a load of failed LED's and the display was unusable.
Appreciate your insight and thought.