If you live in the US
It is difficult to participate in this auction's if you are not US resident as the packing and delivery cost might cost more then what you Buy so be careful with this.
All the best
We in the are having a meltdown with Brexit. Miss May our PM said we will Trade Outside the EU.
We have a special relation ship with the USA. well the thing is we have a poor exchange rate for the US Dollar
£1 = $1 then a fee £4 or more, then postage small item to UK = $20 to $60. same item China Post = free.
Then there is inport taxes - Vat 20% plus a fee £15 so if the item is not exempt from vat and the seller over values the Item.
you pay the value.
Down side is there is noway I wish to trade with the USA.
post might no make sense as I just finished a late project (burning the midnight oil)