type3 4.2
im not sure weither i have done this right as its my first upload but i recently aquired type3 which is a cad/cam modelling software. i had to have some one install the file for me remotely,after i had downloaded.
it is working on my pc with no problems in windows 7.
i hope it works for you
here are the instructions to install type3 4.2 ( somewhat compelx,)
1. extracting it, enter the directory;
2. find the directory TYPE3second procedure and enter into it;
3. find help.txt:
1.UNLOAD TYPE3 program,delete TYPE3 program(Vision)file, restart the computer
2.open SSDCLN_032503's SSDCLeanup.exe,restart the computer
3.then setup TYPE3 program by clicking the setup.exe: always click the next during installation, at the last step, choosse the "No,I will restart computer later".
4. find the file type3\crack\crac1.exe and click it to crack;
6. find the file "type3\crack\config.dtk" and copy config.dtk into the c:\vision\datakit (recommend you to install it on C:\ strongly)
7. find the file type3\crack\SD3025S.mac and copy SD3025S.mac into the c:\vision\postpro;
8. back to the directory TYPE3second procedure, enter into TYPE3second procedure\spi722\SPI722, run the setup.exe and Sentinel Protection Installer 7.2.2 in turn;
ps i noticed my freind did not opt to
restart the pc when prompted!