Hey all,
I had forgotten to check out the rest of this guy's store. After returning and poking around, I found this:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/STM32F103-Development-Board-ENC28J60-3-2-LCD-RS232-RS485-CAN-SPI-I2C-Micro-SD-/221415640804?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item338d668ee4As the link implies, this is an F103 and is only 64 USD. Amazing. This setup looks an awful lot like the WaveShare offerings.
I wouldn't be surprised if the plug-in modules are the same pin-outs. I thought the WaveShare stuff was very good, but just
a little pricey for me. This new lot offers pretty much the same thing at maybe 30% less. Bad news for WaveShare, good news
for us, we can only benefit from the competition.
@RedAlert, Love the name.. used to play that a lot
Your example is the other end of the spectrum, very minimalistic. I am
sure you can find lots of vendors that offer free shipping if you look.
@Micropcb, You absolutely nailed it bud, the STM32VL is a great board for pffftt... 10 bucks!!! I built a docking board for mine
where the VL becomes a daughter card so to speak. The docking board supplies a 5V regulator, SPI and I2C breakouts, and a
serial connector. I also added some LEDs for status and such.... hmm.. I just happen to have a picture of it too
This board is useful. I'll post the design files in the next day or two.