Wonder if someone have
uIP_0.9_Keil_8051.zip tucked away somewhere or know where to DL a copy? It's a port of Adam Dunkels uIP TCP/IP stack v0.9 made by Murray R. Van Luyn quite some time ago so his web-site at
http://members.iinet.net.au/~vanluynm is unfortunately gone.
I've searched high and low and I only get hits on Chinese sites if searching for the file but all seems to require accounts to DL and since my Chinese is non existant I'm quite lost...
I've seen it with different name and the file could be named like below and are ~141 KB
File description is usually something like...
uIP TCP/IP stack v0.9.
Included is the uIP web server application, as well as drivers for both serial port SLIP and network card ethernet communication.
Let me know if more details are needed...
Any help appreciated!