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Author Topic: [Req] Invite Kirsche81  (Read 3177 times)
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« on: March 30, 2014, 12:44:00 12:44 »

NoteHi, I used this forum over a year ago, when it was not necessary to registrate. Please invite me :)
Have about 10years experience with PIC and Assembler, C++, LabView, Matlab, Mentor: Boardstation&RE, Altium Designer, Cadsoft EAGLE, Agilent: ADS&Genesys. A bit CST Microwave Studio, HFSS, AnsoftDesigner. RF Design from 1MHz to 60GHz, most Designs between 500MHz and 13GHz.

Regards Kirsche81
Invitation System
Invitation status : This person is already invited and awaiting registration.
Permission : You cannot invite. Because you are guest.
Your credits : You have no invitation credits.

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« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2014, 01:39:42 13:39 »

It was never necessary to "registrate" and you can always donate $100 to get in.

Damned shame you didn't share ALL that wonderful knowledge, you claim to have, with us.

Take everything, give nothing?
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« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2014, 08:53:27 20:53 »

Solutions you are like Old Faithful: you never fail to surprise people with your shallow remarks and the way you pour your derision on their spelling errors etc. What kind of a mental achievement can you get with this repulsive approach? Best regards.
Sideshow Bob
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« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2014, 10:18:29 22:18 »

This member is invited by me. Registration isn't completed yet.

Note: This message sent by the system behalf of Sideshow Bob.

Posted on: March 30, 2014, 10:32:23 22:32 - Automerged

Solutions you are like Old Faithful: you never fail to surprise people with your shallow remarks and the way you pour your derision on their spelling errors etc. What kind of a mental achievement can you get with this repulsive approach? Best regards.
I find that Solutions may be quite blunt now and then. But I can not remember any post. In which he has picked on members for things like spelling errors. He may have a short fuse, but he most often try to help other members not pick on them. So I think you are barking up the wrong tree here. Just saying...
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 10:20:59 22:20 by Sideshow Bob » Logged

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum
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« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2014, 10:43:15 22:43 »

I am sorry I didn't get the whole picture; perhaps it is a bit okayish if it is just a matter of a few blown fuses. I don't know how the guy who is getting ridiculed will take it though.
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There is no evidence that I muted SoNsIvRi

« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2014, 11:10:25 23:10 »

Well solutions may have read things into invite request, since 2008 you needed to get an invite,,, so if he was here with an account, and not needed an invite, then why he did not keep it..
and in the next purge he will be gone again, if not muted by bbarney.

Note: I stoped Muteing bad members OK I now put thier account in sleep mode
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Uhm? where did pickit put my mute button

« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2014, 01:11:42 01:11 »

I'am already watching him  Cool
As you said we have had Invite system since 2008 so his first words are un-true
Hi, I used this forum over a year ago, when it was not necessary to registrate
So I for one wouldn't believe much else he has to say let alone invite him
You do know Slideshow Bob you are responsible for him and that could mean a permanent ban for both of you in a worse case scenario
« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 01:20:56 01:20 by bbarney » Logged

Ever wonder why Kamikaze pilot's wore helmet's ?
Sideshow Bob
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« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2014, 09:44:38 09:44 »

Well solutions may have read things into invite request, since 2008 you needed to get an invite,,, so if he was here with an account, and not needed an invite, then why he did not keep it..
and in the next purge he will be gone again, if not muted by bbarney.
To be fair this site was more open until about a year ago. Then it become more closed, with most of the forum open to members only and links hidden for non members. Then I inivite a member I also expect to see postings from them. If not I report them, then it is due for member culling. And Kirsche81 will be no exception

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum
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There is no evidence that I muted SoNsIvRi

« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2014, 03:32:52 15:32 »

I think we give a fair amount of time to members to start posting, I know I make light of muting in boards, but that is to get users to start posting.
I will and do Mute the members I invite, that don't take part, The hardest part is asking for the invite, after that making a few posts should be easy.

For not taking part in forum, first they get a warning, and if they don't start posting, warning is followed by account being muted.
If they have not posted in 12 months and have zero posts in forum, they get muted, end off.

To be honest you never see any posts by them other than the request for an invite, so forum being open is still the same.
Muted Accounts are sometimes unmuted, sorry part is even then, they don't learn.
After I unmuted last week, user made 3 posts asking for new links, one even requesting site to post to..FFS

Other ongoing issus are to do with multi accounts, one is saying "I can't see any rule against having more than one account" and as an example, there is a user with 3 accounts talking to himself, to what ends, is anyone's guess.
Members having Multiple accounts just makes it harder for others to get in.

Note: I stoped Muteing bad members OK I now put thier account in sleep mode
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