Here is an emulated DS2423 counter I'm working on .......
It does appear to have a problem I've been unable to find...
It wants to hang after running about 3 days...
Its written for Proton basic..... and is still a work in progress
their own slave.....I would have attatched as zip, but couldn't figure out how..
Device = 12F1822 ' PROTON BASIC
Declare Create_Coff = On ' use with mplab sim to debug
' V1a 1st working 12F1822 @ 16mhz
' V1b 1st working 12F1822 @ 16mhz + ctrs
' V1c use 32mhz
' V2 attempt to use TIC int
' V2b
' V2c use count/reset method ~ 10ms - not any mods to reset loop
' V2d try mod reset loop to chk gp0/gp1
' V2d1 use tmr1 as external ctr RA5 input
' V3 TMR1 ctr working
' V4 use GP0 as DQ GP2 as ctr B
' V5 changed RMT1
' V6 = V5 -- cleanup ----
' V6b/c need to implement WDT use ready loop to reset
' V6c make GP1/RA1 output add led RDY pulse
' RA2 must have 3.9k 39k .1u
' V6f
'CONFIG intrc_osc_noclkout,mclre_off,pwrte_on,bod_off,wdt_off,fcmen_off,ieso_off
' intrc_ocs_noclkout 0x3FFC
' mclre_off 0x3FDF -> 3FDC
' pwrte_on 0x3FEF -> 3FCC
' bod_off 0x3CFF -> 3CCC
' wdt_off 0x3FF7 -> 3CC4
' fcmem_off 0x37FF -> 34C4
' ieso_off 0x3BFF -> 30C4
' __cfig 0x30C4
'Config 0x30c2 ' MIKE ' same as above
'Config HS_OSC,mclre_off,pwrte_on,bod_off,wdt_off,fcmen_off,ieso_off
Config1 fosc_intosc,mclre_off,pwrte_on,boren_off,wdte_on,fcmen_off,ieso_off,clkouten_off
''Config2 LVP_OFF, PLLEN_on, wrt_off,stvren_off
Config2 LVP_OFF, PLLEN_on, wrt_off,stvren_off
Declare Xtal 32 'using internal 16
''Declare Xtal 32 '' not sure since using PLL
' FOSC = 32/4 =8mhz ~ 125ns cycle *16 = 2us step *64 = 8us step
' TMR0 1:2 - 1:256 *32 = 4us step
' TMR1 -16 bit
' TMR2 prescale 1,4,16,64 postscale 0-F 1:1-1:16 T2CON.2=1 on
' T2CON<1:0> T2CON<6:3>
EData $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08
EData $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08
EData $09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09
EData $09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09
EData $0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a
EData $0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a
EData $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b
EData $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b
EData $0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c
EData $0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c
EData $0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d
EData $0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d
EData $0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E
EData $0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E,$0E
EData $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f
'EData "165-9a"
EData "V6g---"
EData $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f
' PIC12F1882
' __ __
' | \__/ |
' +5v --- Vdd |1 8| Vss --- 0v
' ctrA in --> RA5/T1CKI/OSC1/CLKIN |2 7| RA0/AN0/CIN+/ICSPDAT/ULPWU <--> DQ
' RA4/AN3/!T1G/OSC2/CLKOUT/ |3 6| RA1/AN1/CIN-/Vref/ICSPCLK <-->
' reset ctrs --> RA3/!MCLR/Vpp |4 5| RA2/AN2/T0CKI/INT/COUT/CCP1 <--ctrB in
' |________|
' ______
' | |----DQ---------------\ \---------------------------------------|
' | DS |----0V----------------\ \--------------------------------| |
' |9490R | ____________ | |
' | |----+5V ---------------\ \------------|1 Vdd 8 Vss|-----| |
' | | | | ////// |
' |------| | | |
' | PC | +5---xxxx---|------|---xxxx-----|---|2 RA5 7 RA0|-----------|
' |______| | | | | |
' ctrA - SW .1uf-cap .1uf-cap| |
' | | | | |
' ///////////////////////// | |
' +5---------|>|---------xxxx---------|3 RA4 6 RA1|--- unused
' led 2.7k | |
' | |
' |---------|----xxxx-------|4 RA3 5 RA2|---xxxx-----|-------|-----xxxx--+5 |
' | | 1k |____________| 3.9k | | 39k
' ctr Reset SW .1uf-cap ctrB - SW .1uf-cap
' | | | |
' ////////////////// ///////////////
' Adjust/Rework debounce filters as needed ..........
Symbol FamilyCode = $1D ' Family code - serial# - CRC
Symbol Sn5 = $0
Symbol Sn4 = $0
Symbol Sn3 = $0 ' of this particular device
Symbol Sn2 = $0
Symbol Sn1 = $0
Symbol Sn0 = $0
Symbol FamilyCRC = $C3 ' we could maybe auto gen this within pgm
Symbol Hi=1
Symbol Lo=0
Symbol Wire = PORTA.0
Symbol SW0 = PORTA.3
'Symbol SetWire = INDF0.2
Dim TXB As Byte
Dim CRAP As Byte
Dim I As Byte
Dim I1 As Byte
Dim RXB As Byte
Dim CMD As Byte
Dim CRCData As Byte
Dim CRCLo As Byte
Dim CRCHi As Byte
Dim Temp As Byte
Dim Index As Byte
Dim X As Byte
Dim Y As Byte
Dim Acnt[4] As Byte
Dim Bcnt[4] As Byte
Dim M12cnt[4] As Byte
Dim M13cnt[4] As Byte
Dim TA1 As Byte ' lsb
Dim TA2 As Byte ' msb
Dim E_S As Byte
Dim WTA1 As Byte
Dim WTA2 As Byte
Dim WE_S As Byte
Dim AA As E_S.7
Dim Pf As E_S.5
Dim PGA As Byte ' page address
Dim SPO As Byte ' scratch pad address
Dim SPAD[34] As Byte ' 32 + 2
Dim ACT As Byte
Dim BCT As Byte
Dim BitCnt As Byte
Dim TIC As Byte
Symbol TICK = TIC.0
Symbol Allow = TIC.1
Symbol Slots = TIC.2
Symbol Flag = TIC
Symbol Last4 = TIC.3
' Defines after Dim's
Symbol RPF = Flag.7 ' rcv partial flag
Symbol bounce = 100 ' 255-105=150 *70us=10.8 ms
On_Hardware_Interrupt GoTo int
GoTo main
' RA2 external rising edge schmitt trigger .1cap
Btfss INTCON,1 ' INTF gp2 int
Incf BCT,f
Movf BCT,w
Btfsc STATUS,2 ' w = Zero
Addwf Bcnt +0,f
Btfss STATUS,0 ' carry = 1
GoTo check1
Call Binc1
check1: Clrf BCT
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ainc: Incfsz Acnt +0,f
Return '
Incfsz Acnt +1,f '\
Return ' \
Incfsz Acnt +2,f ' > increment Acount
Return ' /
Incf Acnt +3,f '/
EndAsm '
Return '
Binc: Incfsz Bcnt +0,f
Return '
Binc1: Incfsz Bcnt +1,f '\
Return ' \
Incfsz Bcnt +2,f ' > increment Bcount
Return ' /
Incf Bcnt +3,f '/
EndAsm '
Return '
main: ' 32/4=8 =>.125 *16 = 2us step for TMR2 1:16
BSR = 1 ' bank 1
'OSCCON = %01111000 ' 16 mhz internal
OSCCON = %11110000 ' 8 mhz internal 8x4=32 pll
OSCTUNE = 0x0 ''f ' SET TMR2, TMR1, TMR2
'OPTION_REG = %10000011 ' !PU 1:16 = 8 US RESOLUTION 8MHZ xtal
'OPTION_REG = %10000100 ' !PU 1:32 = 8 US RESOLUTION 16MHZ xtal
'OPTION_REG = %00000011 ' PU 1:16 @ 4 US step RESOLUTION 16MHZ xtal
OPTION_REG = %01000111 ' PU 1:256 --> 64 * 256 = 16.384ms to ovflo
' intdg bit 6 = 1
TRISA = %00101101 ' gp0, 2,3, 5 input 1,4 outputs
WDTCON = %00011000 ' wdt 4 seconds time out
BSR = 3
ANSELA = 0 ' all digital
BSR = 4
WPUA = %00001001 ' weak pullup port A
BSR = 7
IOCAP = 0 '3 ' RA0-1 pin change rising edge detect
IOCAN = 0 ' no detect falling edge
IOCAF = 0 ' pins that changed
BSR = 0 ' bank 0
' 001-1:4 010-1:8 011-1:16
' T1CON cc pp t x u s ' pp = 1:1,2,4,8
T1CON = %10000101 ' 10-RA5[TKCI] extinput 00-1:1 0-osc disabled
T1GCON = $00 ' 1-no sync ext clk 0-ukn 1 enb TMR1
' Main Timing counter TMR2 00000S00-1:1 01-1:4 10-1:16 11-1:64 S-strt/stop
T2CON = %00000010 ' set TMR2 1:16 4 us/step[16mosc]
T2CON.2 = 1 ' start TMR2
' ANSELA = 0 '0X51 ' FOSC/16[8mhz clock] & GP0[51h]
' ADCON0 = 0X81 ' RJustify, Vdd ref, AN0-000,
INTCON.2 = 0 ' T0IF
INTCON.4 = 0 ' INTE allow RA2 pin int
INTCON.5 = 0 ' T0IE
E_S = $1F '\
TA1 = $A0 ' |- preset values
TA2 = $01 '/
GoSub ClrReg ' clear counters
GoTo Wait_IP
' changed for step = 2us
Wait_IP: ''INTCON.7 = 0 ' dis able GIE
TMR2 = 0
' TTCT = 0 ' total time cnt = 0
BSR=1 ' bank1
TRISA.0=1 ' > -- float
BSR=0 ' bank0
'' INTCON.3=1 ' enb INTE
' may need to mod ewrite to gosub check at 64 us intervals ****************
If Flag.6 = 1 Then GoTo LateWrite ' used for eeprom write
Wait_IPa: If TMR2 = 70/2 Then
TMR2 = 0
GoSub check ' 70 us elapsed
If Wire = Hi Then GoTo Wait_IPa ' could be high long time
' wire gone low reset timer
Wait_IPa1: TMR2 = 0 ' preset tmro
If PORTA.4=1 Then
Wait_IP64: If Wire = Hi Then GoTo Wait_IP ' hi before 480 us
' If TMR2 = 70/2 Then GoSub check
' If TMR2 = 140/2 Then GoSub check
If TMR2 = 210/2 Then GoSub check
If PORTA.3 = 0 Then GoSub ClrReg ' ================
' If TMR2 = 280/2 Then GoSub check
' If TMR2 = 350/2 Then GoSub check
If TMR2 = 420/2 Then GoSub check
If TMR2 < 480/2 Then GoTo Wait_IP64 ' < 480 us
TMR2 = 0
' Update A-Counter rising edge - use .1 cap on RA5/GP5
' schmitt trigger input
Acnt[0] = TMR1L
Acnt[1] = TMR1H '
If PIR1.0 = 0 Then GoTo Wait_IPx
PIR1.0 = 0
Incfsz Acnt +2,f ' > increment Acount
GoTo Wait_IPx ' /
Incf Acnt +3,f '/
' if pinchang int then
Wait_IPx: If Wire = Hi Then GoTo E0
If PORTA.3 = 0 Then GoSub ClrReg ' ================
' If TMR2 = 70/2 Then GoSub check
' If TMR2 = 140/2 Then GoSub check
If TMR2 = 210/2 Then GoSub check
' If TMR2 = 280/2 Then GoSub check
' If TMR2 = 350/2 Then GoSub check
If TMR2 = 420/2 Then GoSub check
If TMR2 < 480/2 Then GoTo Wait_IPx ' < 480 us
GoTo Wait_IP ' possible stuck low
E0: TMR2=0 ' set TMR2
E1: If TMR2.3=0 Then GoTo E1 ' 8*2=16 dly 16*2=32us **************
GoSub check
PORTA.0=0 ' insure latch bit = 0
BSR=1 ' bank1
TRISA.0=0 ' DQ = output = 0 since PORTA.0=0
BSR=0 ' bank 0
TMR2=0 ' set TMR2
E2: If TMR2 = 70/2 Then GoSub check
If TMR2 = 140/2 Then GoSub check
If TMR2 < 180/2 Then GoTo E2 '' 180us presence
E2a: BSR=1 ' bank1
TRISA.0=1 ' float
BSR=0 ' bank 0
'' INTCON.7 = 1 ' enable GIE
E3: If Wire = Lo Then GoTo E3 End If ' wait until wire is high
' get cmd byte 8 bits from MASTER
Fetch: GoSub RX8
Fetch1: If RXB = $55 Then GoTo MatchRom End If ' match sdr rtn
If RXB = $F0 Then GoTo SearchRom End If ' search
If RXB = $CC Then GoTo Funct_CMD End If ' SkipRom cmd
If RXB = $33 Then GoTo ReadRom End If ' 1 slave online rtn fc,sn,crc
'If RXB = $EC Then GoTo ConditionalSearchRom End If ' search
'If RXB = $3C Then GoTo OverdriveSkipRom End If ' search
'If RXB = $69 Then GoTo OverdriveMatchRom End If ' search
GoTo Wait_IP
'if RXB = $EC then goto AlarmRom end if ' modified search
'if RXB = $FF then goto ReadRom end if ' 1 slave online rtn fc,sn,crc
'goto Wait_IP ' main
RX8: ' FSR0L = $8C
' INTCON.7 = 0
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 0
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 1
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 2
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 3
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 4
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 5
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 6
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 7
' INTCON.7 = 1
RX1: RXB = RXB >> 1 ' this shifts in a 0 bit ??
RX2: If Wire = Hi Then GoTo RX2 End If
TMR2 = 0 '
x1: If TMR2 < 7 Then GoTo x1 ' 7*2us < 14 us
x2: If Wire = Hi Then ' look for 1 during 14-32 us
RXB.7=1 ' 14-32 us window
Return '
EndIf '
X2x: If TMR2.4=0 Then GoTo x2 End If ' 2^4 = 32us
X3: If Wire = Hi Then Return
X4: If TMR2.6 = 0 Then GoTo X3 End If ' 2^6 = 64*2 = 128 must be interupt
GoTo Wait_IP64 ' trash stack ie circular on/off 03/12
ReadRom: GoSub WSN ' wire hi & $33 cmd decoded
GoTo Funct_CMD
MatchRom: GoSub RX8 ' wire hi & $55 cmd decoded
If RXB <> FamilyCode Then GoTo Wait_IP '0 FC 20 1D
GoSub RX8
If RXB <> Sn5 Then GoTo Wait_IP '1 0
GoSub RX8
If RXB <> Sn4 Then GoTo Wait_IP '2 0
GoSub RX8
If RXB <> Sn3 Then GoTo Wait_IP '3 0
GoSub RX8
If RXB <> Sn2 Then GoTo Wait_IP '4 0
GoSub RX8
If RXB <> Sn1 Then GoTo Wait_IP '5 0
GoSub RX8
If RXB <> Sn0 Then GoTo Wait_IP '6 0
GoSub RX8
If RXB <> FamilyCRC Then GoTo Wait_IP '7 crc EF C3
GoTo Funct_CMD
SkipRom: GoTo Funct_CMD ' wire is hi & $F0 cmd decoded
SearchRom: TXB = FamilyCode
GoSub SR8
TXB = Sn5
GoSub SR8
TXB = Sn4
GoSub SR8
TXB = Sn3
GoSub SR8
TXB = Sn2
GoSub SR8
TXB = Sn1
GoSub SR8
TXB = Sn0
GoSub SR8
TXB = FamilyCRC
GoSub SR8
GoTo Wait_IP
Funct_CMD: FSR0L = $8C ' wire is hi & $CC cmd decoded
'RXB = 0 ' clear old data
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 0
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 1
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 2
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 3
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 4
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 5
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 6
GoSub RX1 ' Recieve bit 7
'GoSub RX8 ' get function byte
Fcmd: If Wire = Lo Then GoTo Fcmd
GoTo Fcmd1
Fcmd1: GoTo Fcmd2
Fcmd2: If RXB = $AA Then GoTo Rd_2423_SP
If RXB = $55 Then GoTo Copy_SP
If RXB = $A5 Then GoTo READ_Mem ''Read_2423_ctr
If RXB = $F0 Then GoTo READ_Mem ''Rd_2423_M
If RXB = $0F Then GoTo Wr_2423_SP
If RXB = $5A Then GoTo Copy_SP
GoTo Wait_IP ' no valid cmd
ClrReg: Str M12cnt = $0,$0,$0,$0
Str M13cnt = $0,$0,$0,$0
Str Acnt = $0,$0,$0,$0
Str Bcnt = $0,$0,$0,$0
TMR1L = 0
TMR1H = 0
' ACT = 0
BCT = 0
RD_PWR: TXB=$00 ' FF +5 powered
GoSub TX8
GoTo Wait_IP
WSN: TXB = FamilyCode ' $1D ' Family code
GoSub TX8
TXB = Sn5 ' 0 ' SN lsb
GoSub TX8
TXB = Sn4 ' 0 ' SN
GoSub TX8
TXB = Sn3 ' 0 ' SN
GoSub TX8
TXB = Sn2 ' 0 ' SN
GoSub TX8
TXB = Sn1 ' 0 ' SN
GoSub TX8
TXB = Sn0 ' 0 ' SN msb
GoSub TX8
TXB = FamilyCRC ' $C3 ' CRC
GoSub TX8
' TRANSMIT 32 0 bits
TX32z: TXB =0
GoSub TX8
TXB =0
GoSub TX8
TXB =0
GoSub TX8
TXB =0
GoSub TX8
TxINVcrc: TXB=CRCLo ^ $FF ' invert crc
GoSub TX8 '
TXB= CRCHi ^ $FF ' invert crc
GoSub TX8
GoTo Wait_IP
TXcrc: TXB=CRCLo ^ $FF ' invert crc
GoSub TX8 '
TXB= CRCHi ^ $FF ' invert crc
GoSub TX8
' Transmit 8 bits of byte TXB
TX8: FSR0L = $8C
If TXB.0=0 Then GoSub TX1L
If TXB.0=1 Then GoSub TX1H
If TXB.1=0 Then GoSub TX1L
If TXB.1=1 Then GoSub TX1H
If TXB.2=0 Then GoSub TX1L
If TXB.2=1 Then GoSub TX1H
If TXB.3=0 Then GoSub TX1L
If TXB.3=1 Then GoSub TX1H
If TXB.4=0 Then GoSub TX1L
If TXB.4=1 Then GoSub TX1H
If TXB.5=0 Then GoSub TX1L
If TXB.5=1 Then GoSub TX1H
If TXB.6=0 Then GoSub TX1L
If TXB.6=1 Then GoSub TX1H
If TXB.7=0 Then GoSub TX1L
If TXB.7=1 Then GoSub TX1H
' Transmit search bit 0
SR0: GoSub TX1L
GoSub TX1H
GoSub RX1
If RXB.7=1 Then GoTo Wait_IP End If ' error trash stack
' Transmit search bit 1
SR1: GoSub TX1H
GoSub TX1L
GoSub RX1
If RXB.7=0 Then GoTo Wait_IP End If ' error trash stack
' Transmit search bits
SR8: FSR0L = $8C
If TXB.0=0 Then GoSub SR0
If TXB.0=1 Then GoSub SR1
If TXB.1=0 Then GoSub SR0
If TXB.1=1 Then GoSub SR1
If TXB.2=0 Then GoSub SR0
If TXB.2=1 Then GoSub SR1
If TXB.3=0 Then GoSub SR0
If TXB.3=1 Then GoSub SR1
If TXB.4=0 Then GoSub SR0
If TXB.4=1 Then GoSub SR1
If TXB.5=0 Then GoSub SR0
If TXB.5=1 Then GoSub SR1
If TXB.6=0 Then GoSub SR0
If TXB.6=1 Then GoSub SR1
If TXB.7=0 Then GoSub SR0
If TXB.7=1 Then GoSub SR1
' need revisit timing 4us step
TX1H: BSR=1 ' bank1
TRISA.0=1 ' DQ = float-pullup
BSR=0 ' bank 0
TX1H1: If Wire = Hi Then GoTo TX1H1 '
TMR2=0 ' master strobed wire low Start Slot
Te: If Wire = Lo Then GoTo TeL ' '
TeH: If TMR2.4 = 0 Then GoTo TeH ' 2^4 = 16 *2 = 32us
Return ' wire Hi return after 32 us
TeL: If TMR2.5=0 Then GoTo Te ' 32*2us = 64us LIMIT slot to 64us
GoTo Wait_IP64 ' error trash return
TX1L: If Wire = Hi Then GoTo TX1L End If ' wait master strobe wire low
PORTA.0=0 ' insure 0 bit
BSR=1 ' bank1
TRISA.0=0 ' DQ = output = 0 since PORTA.0=0
BSR=0 ' bank 0
TMR2=0 ' Clear TMR2 hold for 56us
Tb: If TMR2 < 44/2 Then GoTo Tb End If ' TMR2 < 24=48us 25*2=50us 30*2=60us
BSR=1 ' bank1
TRISA.0=1 ' DQ = float-pullup
BSR=0 ' bank 0
Tc: If Wire = Hi Then Return ' Ensure wire hi before return
If TMR2.5=0 Then GoTo Tc End If ' 1-2-4-8-16-32 *2=64
GoTo Wait_IP64 ' error trash return
' Copy Scratch Pad to Memory
' EEprom write delay is 10ms / char therfor causing OneWireViewer to miss copy complete
' routine termiates after authorization then copys to mem at 1st reset
Copy_SP: If E_S > $1F Then GoTo Wait_IP ' CURRENT error AA or PF flags are set
GoSub RX8 '
If WTA1 <> RXB Then GoTo Wait_IP ' TA1 mismatch --> exit
GoSub RX8 '