I don't need anything spoon feed, I have already read datasheet, tut, ebook, paper thesis, journal. But they are diffirent from each others. It take me very confusing. Now I need a right thing of experimental person. If I do research myself, this forum is not mean. If someone have experimental in smps, but don't share theirs. This forum what for?
so why not find one that works, sounds as if you do need spoon feeding, "If someone have experimental in smps, but don't share theirs. This forum what for?" your asking for a full tried and tested, solution, but don't take advice.
asking questions like "Please let me know how to calculate the voltage rise" don't make sense, voltage rise where? line or feedback.
Do you even know what dangers are involved, in such a product, your skill levels are not just there.
I have 10 plus such smps as part of products, placed in market place, by my employer sorry I can't give full details of products.
But they follow very close to the data sheet and Application Notes.
http://www.powerint.com/en/products/product-documentshttp://www.powerint.com/sites/default/files/product-docs/miniapplianceweb_PSG.pdf - - - - - (part of spoon feed) - - - - -