Hi it is my second Evaluation Board
in the board is :
- ZIF 40 socket;
- DC/DC converter witch LM2576T-5;
- NE555 generator;
- temperature sensor DS18B20;
- IR diod;
- TFMS5360;
- LED arry;
- photo resistor RPP111;
- voltage divider;
- EEPROM 24C04;
- USB<>UART converter (MCP2200);
- miniUSB connection;
- LED display;
- LCD display 2×16 charters;
- RGB diode 5mm;
- buzzer;
- microSD card;
- Real Time Clock;
- dual H bridge;
- converter to RS485;
- 6 buttons.
More in my website
http://www.blue17.elektroda.eu/projekty/1477Download file in the bottom of the article
Regards all