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« on: January 19, 2013, 04:30:47 16:30 » |
Hello!! Everyone, I am sharing a Project on Data Logging to Memory Card using PIC18F8722 Micro-Controller, this project uses MDD Library of Microchip Application Framework and MPLAB C18 v3.40 Compiler with MPLAX 1.60. The aim of this project is to create log of temperature, every one second along with time and date to be stored in Memory Card (I know creating log every second is not good), but one can change everything as per there requirement by changing the Source Code. This Logging Project will average the temperature data from LM35 sensor 100 times and then store it in memory card, and it will also send this data to phone using SMS service. The SMS sending is done with the help of SIM300 Modem. Along with all this a GPS Module is also there, with the help of which UTC timing is updated with RTC DS1307 timing, date is also updated. Data from GPS is not received continuously; it is received only when someone had pressed Key or when time reaches 59minutes.
GPS Packet $GPRMC,114353.000,A,6016.3245,N,02458.3270,E,0.01,0.00,121009,,,A*69
SMS Format Received on Phone 10:59:01 09/01/13 TEMP= 020.9C Lt = xx yy.ddddN/S Lo= xxx yy.ddddW/E
This is the SMS Format one receive on its phone, SMS is received every hour and when someone press the button
Links are available to download