Actually steady state is 100% achievable when the capacitor current decrease under 1.602176487exp(−19) C/s or so. That's less than 1 electron/second and u can't feed the capacitor less than 1 electron so it's steady state.
Steady state is achieved when there is no change in potential across the plates. Nobody said anything about 1 second being the criterion, or 5 time constants...both are arbitrary, and I think you should start your prior single electron theory with "once upon a time".
If you're going to start talking about theoretical 10E-19, single electron stuff, for steady state, the sun will supernova before you stop loading a one electron charge on the cap every 1000 years or so. You indeed can load an electron every two seconds, or four, or eight, etc
theoretically yours,
-Dr solutions, BS, PhD ("piled higher and deeper")
Posted on: March 03, 2011, 02:25:29 02:25 - Automerged
@tedz n hate....
thanx to u all buddy......
your infos really helped.......
but thinking of 1 thing...........
if somehow we get an ideal 0 resistance generator
then will there be no leading or lagging???
A capacitor or inductor are reactances where, by the very definition of capacitor or inductor, there is a phase difference (for the mathematically inclined, an i and j component). At DC, the reactance is zero, or infinity, again depending on the type of reactance, so phase is meaningless since you are sucking every joule out of the universe and beyond.
Suggest you get a copy of LT Spice and run these for yourself to get an understanding. What you are describing is a RESISTOR. There is no magic in power factor could build yourself a 3GW nuke plant which could have a source resistance of a few micro-ohms because you have infinite amounts of oil money and are using superconducting alternator coils, have no load on it other than a 2.2uH inductor, and you'll still see the phase difference between current and voltage.
Hmmmm....maybe we've stumbled onto why Iran wants a reactor so badly?