It wont let me upload the .h as an attachment, or re-modify the main post, so here it is as a code block
#include <16F716.h>
#device adc=8
#use delay(clock=16000000)
#define STROBE_ PIN_A0
#define ACK_ PIN_A1
#define BUSY PIN_A2
#define RX PIN_A3
#define TX PIN_A4
#define LED PIN_A2
#use rs232(baud=38400,parity=N,xmit=PIN_A4,rcv=PIN_A3)
you can substitute the PIC16F819 if you prefer that chip - i think the 716 is a little cheaper!
<Note to self: I really need to pay more attention in class>
Posted on: March 26, 2011, 01:32:09 13:32 - Automerged
Here is the lastest board schematic/layouts.
I didnt post this before as it wasn't a tested layout.
I received some PCB's for this Friday, and built one to test it - all ok and no errors!
If anyone is interested, and I don't know if this is allowed on here, but I have a handful of pcb's that were made for this project. There are a couple of design faults (needs 3 wires adding) which is why they are not being used.
They cost me 3 GBP each, and if anyone wants one, I could post one for the cost of it?
(moderator please delete this section if it's not allowed)