If you are receiving one frequency super regens are the way to go if I remember it right.
I built a full AM band superhet in school using vacuum tubes. I can assure you that it is not going to work if you plan on using fixed inductors - as you have noted, the frequencies are much higher. But, you don't need ICs - can use transistors as well.
We had tuning slugs in each stage. I suspect things have not changed much on the passives, despite PLL and all the other modern "solid state' stuff.
I'd help, but I am backlogged about two months in self-inflicted work (and been sick, still am half the time), and that's with 18 hour days. I pop in here to help when I can, but I'm pretty flakey right now so I cannot be counted on.
There are a bunch of nice old radio circuits on this site:
http://vintageradio.me.uk/radconnav/transsuperhet/Google for "pocket radio" and "portable radio" as a start