If you want to write to the EEPROM, you have to split the number into bytes, using Lo(), Hi(), Higher()
writeEE(ResStoreLo, Lo(resSec) ) ; // set EEPROM lo byte 0 - 7
writeEE(ResStoreMi, Hi(resSec) ) ; // set EEPROM mid byte 8 - 15
writeEE(ResStoreHi, Higher(resSec) ) ; // set EEPROM hi byte 16-24
Similarly, to read it you have to reassemble from the stored bytes:
resSecL = fuelCalTab[ResStoreLo]
+ (256 * fuelCalTab[ResStoreMi])
+ (256 * 256 * fuelCalTab[ResStoreHi]) ;
Code above is from an old project, but you should get the idea.