« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2008, 04:44:07 16:44 » |
I found proteus + iccavr can do it
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« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2008, 01:11:50 13:11 » |
Use Atprog (Avr LPT programmer) , Software :Isp prog. connections---- PC-Parallel-S. Contoller (Side) Reset - Pin 5--------------------------------->RESET Data out - Pin 2--------1Keesistor------------>MOSI Clock - Pin 3-----------1Kres----------------->SCK Data in - Pin 10--------------1kRes----------->MISO Gnd - Pin 18---------------------------------->Gnd for more details goto http://www.ikalogic.com/isp.php
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« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2010, 09:47:52 09:47 » |
In my opinion, pony2000 is the best low cost programmer for the entry level and avr dragon is the best choice debugger for the adv level. When avr dragon is used, have a look at this site http://www.aplomb.nl/TechStuff/Dragon/Dragon.html first. happy mcu programming pak
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« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2010, 04:46:36 16:46 » |
For bieginner level and ease, you may also try the USB asp which works on the USB port and too is capable of programming the 89S series with some firmware modifications. www.fischl.de/usbasp
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« Reply #30 on: May 17, 2011, 03:14:54 15:14 » |
Well after 3 years when I initially asked this question, I never really got to build my own h/w programmer. For one, I already have a universal programmer that supports most avrs (but this is out-circuit programming) and then I was able to buy a cheap rs232 avrisp version 1. Then until about 6 months ago, I got hold of a AT89S52 programmer which turns out to be actually an USBASP except that the pins are all wrong such that it wont work on standard avr programming headers. I had to make an adapter cable to make it work with AVRs. Guess it uses a modified usbasp f/w. Until a few weeks ago, I chanced upon the following link while searching google for an avrisp mkii clone. The USB AVR Lab at http://wiki.ullihome.de/index.php/USBAVR-ISP/de. Now this h/w programmer I really have to build and actually built. By changing f/w using the s/w bootloader, it can function as an avrisp mkii, an usbasp, a jatgice mkii, i2c logger, oscilloscope, usb-ttl.
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« Reply #31 on: July 01, 2011, 01:00:54 13:00 » |
how can i program atmega8A ( A version ) . i have stk300 and codevision avr . thanks
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« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2011, 08:42:35 20:42 » |
how can i program atmega8A ( A version ) . i have stk300 and codevision avr . thanks
You cant . ATMEGA8 can be programmed with parallel port using 10-way ribbon cable connect to avr dragon.
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« Reply #33 on: January 28, 2013, 11:33:10 11:33 » |
USBASP is also a nice one you can use it with avrdude and it wont cost much if you buy a ready made also
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« Reply #34 on: May 29, 2013, 09:59:09 21:59 » |
For $50 you can get the AVR Dragon which will both program and in circuit debug your 8 bit AVR micros. Unless you're seriously strapped for cash I don't see any reason why any cheaper alternative should be that much more enticing. Plus the ability to step through your code is really nice if you're just learning to program AVR. I wouldn't really recommend anything else, unless you are the sort of person that prefers to build a device yourself. And even then I'd say to just suck it up and spend the fifty
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« Reply #35 on: May 30, 2013, 11:07:47 11:07 » |
A good low cost USB <-> AVR Programmer is mySmartUSB light The Programmer can emulate the STK500v2 or AVR910/911 protocol http://shop.myavr.com/index.php?sp=article.sp.php&artID=200006
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« Reply #36 on: April 07, 2014, 09:52:21 21:52 » |
I think STK200/300 is good and easy for building.
Member since 2007 and this (was) is your last post in forum... little more than a mine is bigger, than your's post.
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« Reply #37 on: April 08, 2014, 06:16:40 06:16 » |
I would recommend buying a solution which allows you to debug as well as program.
I just noticed amba's post which although in German, is worth investigating.
I personally use the Atmel JTAGICE3 and found it excellent.
I dont like the JTAGICE MK II as it is not robust, we have blown a few.
I fought Ohm's Law ... and the law won I only use Mosfets because I have a Bipolar mental disorder :-)
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« Reply #38 on: April 08, 2014, 09:34:47 09:34 » |
I have been using the following very cheap programmer/debugger (AVR debugger clone) listed on ebay at http://www.ebay.com/itm/AVR-USB-Emulator-debugger-programmer-JTAG-ICE-for-Atmel-/160826021353?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2571fa55e9#ht_2205wt_1344If someone is working with AVR Studio 4.18 or earlier and the controllers used are amongst the following : ATMega16, ATmega16L, ATMega162, ATmega162V, ATmega165, ATmega165V, ATMega169, ATmega169V, ATMega32, ATMega323, ATmega323L, ATmega32L, ATMega64, ATmega64L, ATMega128, ATmega128L, AT90CAN128 then this is pretty good for the price. Best regards.
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« Reply #39 on: July 23, 2014, 09:36:32 09:36 » |
This is not only programmer, This contains AVR-Jtag-ICE 1 debugger also. http://www.scienceprog.com/avrjtag-clone-in-actionI've made one and Its working seamlessly. The only concern is the supported devices are limited. Try this.
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« Reply #40 on: July 23, 2014, 05:03:39 17:03 » |
I bought the programmer USBASP BAITE on the site aliexpress. It has a really low price. notes: The programmer does not work well with firmware BAITE, is necessary change the firmware to Frischi (is very easy to do). If you want, you can change de type fo the firmware and transform it into a AVRISP mkII mk2 clone. You can find the AVRISP mkII mk2 clone always for sale on the site Aliexpress sold from huts. The advantage of the AVRISP mkII mk2 clone is that you can use it directly from the development of WINAVR unlike the USBASP that for it to work it needs an external program.
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« Reply #42 on: October 16, 2014, 06:13:28 06:13 » |
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« Reply #43 on: December 08, 2014, 07:19:39 07:19 » |
The programmer MKII is managed directly from the development environment AVR Studio, without needing to use external programs required for other types of programmers
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« Reply #44 on: June 17, 2015, 09:33:34 21:33 » |
hello I have USBASP with additional zif socket and its realy help full because it is really fast (up to 5kBytes/sec) and works in multiple platforms like windows 8 and 8.1 Linux and Mac OS X. It is USB and you can use it with your notebook and windows based tablet and with last firmware that you can find in second link it will support Atmel Tiny Programming Interface (TPI) protocol too you can build your own version by using this schematic : and program your programer micro controller chip ( brain of your programmer ) with hex file that you will find inside this archive file : http://www.fischl.de/usbasp/usbasp.2011-05-28.tar.gz and I recommend this program for using as your programmer interface software : http://khazama.com/project/programmer/KhazamaAVRProgrammer.rar
with best regards naserturk
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« Reply #45 on: June 18, 2015, 04:29:00 16:29 » |
This thread was over an year old, don't you think the OP has gotten his prorammer by now ? Btw: With a cost of less than 2$, and free shppping, i would not concider DIY - i'd just buy one http://www.ebay.com/itm/201035834899Mega32
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« Reply #46 on: June 18, 2015, 04:54:51 16:54 » |
This thread was over an year old, don't you think the OP has gotten his prorammer by now ? Btw: With a cost of less than 2$, and free shppping, i would not concider DIY - i'd just buy one http://www.ebay.com/itm/201035834899Mega32 So Funny OP is Muted in line for the purge.. Well after 3 years when I initially asked this question, I never really got to build my own h/w programmer. For one, I already have a universal programmer that supports most avrs (but this is out-circuit programming) and then I was able to buy a cheap rs232 avrisp version 1. Then until about 6 months ago, I got hold of a AT89S52 programmer which turns out to be actually an USBASP except that the pins are all wrong such that it wont work on standard avr programming headers. I had to make an adapter cable to make it work with AVRs. Guess it uses a modified usbasp f/w. Until a few weeks ago, I chanced upon the following link while searching google for an avrisp mkii clone. The USB AVR Lab at http://wiki.ullihome.de/index.php/USBAVR-ISP/de. Now this h/w programmer I really have to build and actually built. By changing f/w using the s/w bootloader, it can function as an avrisp mkii, an usbasp, a jatgice mkii, i2c logger, oscilloscope, usb-ttl. He was Just A Waste of Space
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« Reply #47 on: February 15, 2020, 11:31:48 11:31 » |
i always suggest to buy the avr ICE. it's a small investment but you'll have the debugging capabilities.
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« Reply #48 on: February 16, 2020, 12:26:22 00:26 » |
i always suggest to buy the avr ICE. it's a small investment but you'll have the debugging capabilities.
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« Reply #49 on: February 17, 2020, 01:39:26 01:39 » |
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