okay well thanks for the tip and i had looked threw the manual and the examples in it didnt work .
i ended up getting it working.
INCLUDE "modedefs.bas"
Slate VAR byte ' Slate address
Cue VAR Byte ' Cue number
Symbol RS232_out = 0 ' RB0 is RS232 output
Symbol RS232_in = 1 ' RB1 is RS232 input
TRISB = 2 ' RB0=output, RB1=input
PAUSE 2000
' Send Heading
SERIN RS232_in, T9600, 5000, ESample, #slate
if slate = 255 then goto emode
SERIN RS232_in, T9600, 5000, EMode, #cue
if cue = 0 then emode
If cue = 1 then cue_1
if cue = 2 then cue_2
goto Esample
high portb.7
pause 1000
low portb.7
goto emode
high portb.6
pause 1000
low portb.6
goto emode
now what im wanting to do is add the shiftout command.
iv tried
shiftout portb.7, portb.6, MSBFIRST, 1010\16
pulsout portb.5,1
EN = portb.5
EN = 0
shiftout portb.7 portb.6, 2,1010\16
EN = 1
im using a 4 Mhz crystal so would i need to define the OSC as being 4?