Thank you very much!!
And what pic do you use?? i want to do it with pic18f4550, and i know that i need voltage dividers in CS,CLK and SDO, but i would like to know if is necessary something in SDI, to convert the 3.3 high level to 5 high level.
I don´t know if i have explained well because my english isn´t the best....
I am trying to find the link you say me.
Thank you!!!
I used a 18f67J11 running at 3.3V, so level translation wasn't necessary. You are going to have to run a level converter for the SDI pin - it needs a minimum (Vih) of 3.5V on a PIC running at 5V. A pullup to the 5V supply could damage the memory card, so a simple resistor won't work! One of these (SN74AHCT1G125DBVR) should do the trick.
Your english is fine, btw!