Given that you keep a close eye on the voltage its no problem to charge with a higher voltage .
As long as you switch off in time there is no problem .
What i usualy do with microcontroller is limit the charging current till my battery reaches a preset value (11 volt for a 13.8 volt cell)
Above 11 volt i charge with what ever current the battery will accept
,when i reach gassing voltage i limit it again till my voltage is to full cell value .
Le me add to this that when you charge with a very high current you will have a shallow charge .
After some resting time your voltage dropped and will (can) take another portion of charge .
So in a way there is a limit to your charging current or at least limit to the being usefull.
AT the following link you will find a book about battery's and charging .
They give a quite good explanation about battery's and how to treat them . a nice weekend