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« on: January 11, 2023, 01:24:24 01:24 » |
Good evening. I´m trying to establish a link between 2 microcontrollers (PIC 12F508), using cheap RF modules (Those used with arduino), and bought 2 kinds of them.... a FS1000A with its receiver and a WL102 341 (superheterodyne) with its receiver. I know... a lot of people will strt yelling "USE AN ADVANCED MICRO, WITH AN UART!!!!"... and I´ll agree with all of them... but I only have 15 x pic 12F508... so, it is the one that I´ll use. Best of all, I was able, (with de FS1000 couple), to interconnect 2 protoboards till 3m distance, and using 3 different on/off switches with the transmitter, and 3 different leds in the receiver. I have to recgnize that I don´t know even a little about radio transmission, only the use of a carrier frequency, and the ASK/OOK protocol which simplifies the data transmission. That´s all. So, with this equipment, started to try different frequencies of data transmission over that carrier, using the NEC (infrarred led remote control) protocol, and IT WORKED with the FS1000 couple, on a distance up to 3m... Then, when trying to enhance this, stopped working and never connected again... Well, I have 3 couples of each pair, and tried to make it work again, and nothing... So I decided to use the WL102 couple... and worst... Not started even once. As a try, I conected microcontrollers directly, to evaluate discrepancies between emitter and receiver programs (frequencies, etc), and all was ok, so I discarded problems with the programming step. Of course, there is always a variable, which is the time lenght of each transmitted pulse, wich can affect the performance of the couple, and I´m testing this right now... But just in case any of you had tried this before, and have a suggestion (besides the UART thing), I´ll accept and thank any one. I´m trying to make it work with 3.3V, and later use higher voltage on the module that accept this. Of course... you´ll tell me "just buy some TX/RX devices from amazon for a couple of bucks"... and yes, if I were in a first world country, I´ll just don´t even hesitate in doing that... but here, in the 6th world, I have to buy one of those (for only one channel) in around U$S24.50... which is a robbery... So, thanks in advance. Regards.