MMBasic 5.07.07 is now released. There are three versions, standard Pico, a boot-to-Basic VGA/PS2 version and a new WiFi version.
Highlights of the release are:
Improved PIO access including DMA I/O direct from Basic and full assembler
SDcard and Flash file systems with identical Basic commands as A: and B: drives
80x40 16-colour tiles in 640x480 mode VGA and 16-colour 320x240 mode VGA
The wifi version provides extensive support for NTP, TFTP, TLS client, TCP client, HTTP/TCP server
There are full manuals available for download for all versions
All source is on lots more info, firmware and manuals:
WebMite (wifi version) version is completely self-contained with no requirement for loading libraries or any external development environment other than a serial console. However, a tailored IDE is available at