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« on: December 02, 2021, 07:57:20 07:57 » |
Hi guys,
I am struggling for a few days with the MAX31850K (Cold-Junction Compensated, 1-Wire Thermocouple-to-Digital Converters) so I was hoping that some of you might have experienced the same issue The chip is soldered on my custom PCB (I am not using a development board/kit) and it is controlled by STM32G030 MCU.
The current results are following:
- Readout of device 64-bit serial number works fine and as expected (it starts with 0x3B.... and this byte exactly tells the device type) - Every data that I am getting from the device is always correct as I always check the CRC - The hardware address which is the part of the configuration register within the scratchpad is also ok and the value as expected
The issue is the following: The temperature that I am getting back is always zero, but not only that, there is no error bit set (please check the datasheet page 13, table 2). So, even though I disconnect the probe, at least I shall have the open-circuit bit set, but this never happens. So, the temperature data (first 4 bytes of the scratchpad) are always 0, but the rest of the data is always correct and the CRC is also correct. So, when you have a second look, you shall see that what I am actually reading out (each time that I request a temperature conversion and read scratchpad) is the default (reset value) of the scratchpad.
Considering the text above, I concluded that the communication with the chip is definitely working ok, so I do not suspect any issues in the 1-wire library, especially because I am using it for years with DS18B20 with no issues at all. I also concluded that initialization, MATCH ROM and SEARCH ROM commands are also working flawlessly and that all data that I receive has a valid CRC so I am really receiving what the device has sent me.
Why in temperature data of the scratchpad there are no error flags set whenever you deliberately create one, I do not know. On the other hand, why always reading all zeroes is also very strange. Additionally, I have 3 types of K probes, they all work when connected to a multimeter, but nevertheless, even without a probe, the chip is misbehaving.
I tries to google for solution, but unfortunately didn't find anything to help. I am open for suggestions and ideas. Any idea, how much crazy may sound, could actually help.
Posted on: December 02, 2021, 07:54:46 07:54 - Automerged
I forgot to mention that MAX31850 is working in external power mode. It is not in parasite power mode.