Hi i am looking for info on how the different layers are used some are understandable like the top layer, top overlay or top paste. I seeing differences in some libraries made by others.
Is there any standard for the mechanical layers or any other layers like which one is for 3d body ....
i tried to search but i am not sure what to search for i didnt find any good info on this.
many thanx in advance.
There is no standard! Now, that doesnt mean that there are libraries out there that are similar. For example, in Altium, I notice alot of people use M1 for outline and M13 for 3D model. But I can also find a few cases where people chose differently.
I would suggest that you adopt your own standard and stick to it. When I created my own standard, I thought about all of the things I might want to include. Like documentation/notes, dimensions, 3D models, courtyard etc.. not everybody uses all possibilities.. so it really depends on what information you will need.
Channel on Youtube has a couple videos addressing the subject.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQIKYw5zOvIEven though this guy discusses Altium, these concepts apply to ALL PCB tools.
Oh, and it doesnt hurt to build in some spare unused so that they could be used in the future if something new comes up.
What you dont want to do, is leave something out and then have to go back and update all your components.
PPS: One thing I learned is early on, I thought I would use other peoples libraries to help save time. But now, I realize I never use others libraries and just always make my own parts & libraries to my own standard and it
SAVES me time and I get what I need.