« on: November 21, 2007, 01:55:49 13:55 » |
use mikroC_for_PIC_6210
// /* 所有命令 以 0x0A 即\n为结束符 建立一个新文件11112222.TXT CRF|11112222TXT# @ ^
删除文件11112222.TXT DELF|11112222TXT# @ ^
效验文件是否存在 CRCF|11112222TXT# @ ^
读文件11112222TXT读第5行 READLN|11112222TXT#5 @ ^
INSTLN|11112222TXT#3@111111111111111111111111111116^ RENF|SWAP0001TMP#11112222TXT@311133333333^ <必须执行>
删除文件11112222TXT 的第3行 DELLN|11112222TXT#3@ ^ RENF|SWAP0001TMP#11112222TXT@311133333333^ <必须执行>
在文件11112222TXT尾部添加一条记录 APPLN|11112222TXT#30@111111111111111111111111111116^
将所有文件名列出 GETDIR
文件重命名 将SWAP0001TMP改为11112222TXT RENF|SWAP0001TMP#11112222TXT@311133333333^
*/ //CREATE_FILE|<filename>0x0A //DEL_FILE|<filename>0x0A //CRC_FILE|<filename>0x0A //READ_FILE|<filename>|<address>|<size>0x0A //RWRITE_FILE|<filename>|<address>|<size>|<data>0x0A RWRITE_FILE|1.txt|200|aabbccdd0x0A //APPEND_FIL|<filename>|<data>0x0A //SET_FILE_DATE|<filename>|<datetime>0x0A //GET_FILE_DATE|<filename>0x0A //GET_FILE_SIZE|<filename>0x0A //GET_DISK_ALL_FILE0x0A //GET_DISK_LABEL0x0A //unsigned short inputs[60] = ""; unsigned char inputStr[60] = ""; unsigned long i,size ; unsigned char inputCtr = 0; unsigned short caracter; unsigned short SDdata[512]; unsigned char filename[14] = "00000001TXT"; // File names unsigned char file_contents[30] = "";
unsigned int lnum ,cnt=0,usa=0,usb=0; unsigned Reserved_Sectors, SectorsPerFAT, Offset, RootOffset; unsigned long RootDir; unsigned char command1[14], filesize1[12]; unsigned short NumberOfFAT;
char NeedOutCOM=0;
void COM_Write(char *s) { while (*s) { USART_Write(*s++); } } void I_Write_Str(char *ostr) { unsigned short i; i = 0; while (ostr) { USART_Write(ostr[i++]); } USART_Write('\r'); USART_Write('\n'); } // ~ //RWRITE_FILE|1.txt|200|aabbccdd0x0A brkstr(RWRITE_FILE|1.txt|200|aabbccdd0x0A)
//int change30(char *str) //{ // char *ptr,i; // i=0; // ptr=str; // while(*ptr!=0) // { // str_result=*ptr; // i++; // ptr++; // } // for(i=i;i<30;i++) // { // str_result=' '; // } //}
int brkstr() { unsigned i = 0, j = 0, l = 0, slen = 0; asm CLRWDT; for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) command1=0x00; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) filesize1=0x00; for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) filename=0x20; filename[11]=0x00; for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) file_contents=0x20; file_contents[29]=0x00; file_contents[30]=0x00;
slen = strlen(inputStr); strcpy(command1,"");
for (i = 0; i < slen; i++) { if (inputStr == '|') {
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) command1[j] = inputStr[j]; l=i+1; break; } } strcpy(filename,"");
for (i = l; i < slen; i++) { if (inputStr == '#') { for (j = l; j < i; j++) filename[j-l] = toupper(inputStr[j]); //test l=i+1; break; } }
for (i = l; i < slen; i++) { if (inputStr == '@') { for (j = l; j < i; j++) filesize1[j-l] = inputStr[j]; l=i+1; break; } } strcpy(file_contents,"");
for (i = l; i < slen; i++) { if (inputStr == '^') { for (j = l; j < i; j++) file_contents[j-l] = inputStr[j]; l=i+1; break; } }
//QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ // i=0; // ptr=file_contents; // while(*ptr!=0) // { // temp_file_contents=*ptr; // i++; // ptr++; // } // for(i=i;i<30;i++) // { // temp_file_contents=' '; // } // // // strcpy(file_contents,temp_file_contents);
// I_Write_Str(command1);
// I_Write_Str(filename);
// I_Write_Str(filesize1);
// I_Write_Str(file_contents); return 0; }
int SD_Read_FAT_Data() { int icount; for (icount = 0; icount <= 512; icount++) { SDdata[icount] = 0x00; } if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) { MMC_Read_Sector(0, SDdata); } else {} return 0; }
//M-M-M--------- Creates new file and writes some data to it ok
int M_Create_New_File() { int icount, j, k,l; char txt[16]; asm CLRWDT; SD_Read_FAT_Data(); Reserved_Sectors = SDdata[0x0E] *256+SDdata[0x0F]; // wordtostr(Reserved_Sectors,txt); // COM_Write (txt); SectorsPerFAT = SDdata[0x16] *256+SDdata[0x17]; // wordtostr(SectorsPerFAT,txt); // COM_Write (txt); NumberOfFAT = SDdata[0x10]; // wordtostr(NumberOfFAT,txt); // COM_Write (txt); RootDir = (unsigned long)SectorsPerFAT *(unsigned long)NumberOfFAT; // longtostr(RootDir,txt); // COM_Write (txt); RootDir = (Reserved_Sectors + RootDir); // longtostr(RootDir,txt); // COM_Write (txt); RootDir = RootDir / 256; // longtostr(RootDir,txt); // COM_Write (txt); // longtostr(RootDir, txt); // COM_Write(txt); for (icount = 0; icount <= 512; icount++) { SDdata[icount] = 0x00; } //send = ALL FILENAME k = 0; // RootDIR 一共有24个区 for (l = RootDir; l <= (RootDir + 24); l++) { if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) { MMC_Read_Sector(l, SDdata); } asm CLRWDT;
for (icount = 0; icount <= 512; icount++) { k = icount % 32; if (k == 0) if ((SDdata[icount] == 0XE5) || (SDdata[icount] == 0X00)) {
SDdata[icount+0]=filename[0]; SDdata[icount+1]=filename[1]; SDdata[icount+2]=filename[2]; SDdata[icount+3]=filename[3]; SDdata[icount+4]=filename[4]; SDdata[icount+5]=filename[5]; SDdata[icount+6]=filename[6]; SDdata[icount+7]=filename[7]; SDdata[icount+8]=filename[8]; SDdata[icount+9]=filename[9]; SDdata[icount+10]=filename[10]; SDdata[icount+11]=0x20; Mmc_Write_Sector(l, SDdata);
goto writeok;
} } } writeok:
//判断文件是否存在 if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) if (Mmc_Fat_Assign(filename, 0)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } else { return 0; }
int M_Create_New_File2() { if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) { Mmc_Fat_Assign(&filename, 1); // Will not find file and then create file return 1; } else { return 0; }; } // ~
//M-M-M--------- Opens an existing file and appends data to it // (and alters the date/time stamp) int M_Open_File_Append() { int size1; if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) { asm CLRWDT; Mmc_Fat_Assign(&filename, 0); Mmc_Fat_Set_File_Date(2007, 6, 7, 12, 35, 0); Mmc_Fat_Append(); // Prepare
size1=atoi(filesize1); file_contents[size1]=0x0D; file_contents[size1+1]=0x00;
Mmc_Fat_Write(file_contents, size1+1); // Write
//I_Write_Str(file_contents); return 1; } else { return 0; } } // ~ //M-M-M--------- Deletes a file. If file doesn't exist, it will first be created // and then deleted. int M_Delete_File() { if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) { Mmc_Fat_Assign(filename, 0); Mmc_Fat_Delete(); return 1; } else { return 0; } } // ~
//读出第?行的内容 int M_Open_File_Readln() { unsigned int t,j; //input filesize1 这时候 代表行号 unsigned long flag1; flag1=0;
for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) file_contents=0x20; t=0; if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) {
Mmc_Fat_Assign(&filename, 0); size= Mmc_Fat_Get_File_Size(); //size1=atoi(filesize1); /* Mmc_Fat_Reset(&size); for (i = 1; i <= size; i++) { asm CLRWDT; Mmc_Fat_Read(&caracter); //Usart_Write(caracter); if (caracter==0x0D) { t++; if (t==lnum) { flag1=i; break; } } } */ flag1=31*lnum; j=0; //每行定长 30 Mmc_Fat_Reset(&size); for (i = 1; i <= size; i++) { asm CLRWDT; Mmc_Fat_Read(&caracter); if ((i>=(flag1-30)) && (i<=flag1)) { if (caracter==0x0D) caracter=0x20; if (caracter==0x00) caracter=0x20; if (caracter==0x0A) caracter=0x20;
file_contents[j]=caracter; j++; // Usart_Write(file_contents[j]); } } if (NeedOutCOM ==1) I_Write_Str(file_contents); return 1; } else { return 0; } } // ~
//插一条数据 int M_Open_File_Insert() {
unsigned int a=0,b=0,c=0; //unsigned long f=0,g=0; unsigned char tempfile[14] = "SWAP0001TMP"; // File names unsigned char tempfile2[14]= " "; // File names unsigned char temp_file_contents[30] = ""; //////////建立临时文件 将 f点前的数据写入这个临时文件 a=atoi(filesize1) ; //a传入的 要插入的行序号 strcpy(temp_file_contents,file_contents); //保存临时inst的字符串 // I_Write_Str(filesize1); strcpy(tempfile2,filename); strcpy(filename,tempfile); M_Create_New_File(); //建立 SWAP0001.TMP // I_Write_Str(filename);
for (b=1;b<=a;b++) { asm CLRWDT; strcpy(filename,tempfile2); //恢复文件名 // I_Write_Str(filename); lnum =b; //要读的行数 M_Open_File_Readln() ; //读文件的第lnum行到file_contents strcpy(filename,tempfile); //搞临时文件 // I_Write_Str(filename); filesize1[0]=0x33; filesize1[1]=0x30; filesize1[2]=0x00; // I_Write_Str (filesize1); // I_Write_Str(file_contents); M_Open_File_Append(); //把记录添加到临时文件
} strcpy(file_contents,temp_file_contents); strcpy(filename,tempfile); //搞临时文件 //I_Write_Str(file_contents); filesize1[0]=0x33; filesize1[1]=0x30; filesize1[2]=0x00; M_Open_File_Append(); //把要插入的新字符串添加到临时文件//////////append 那个临时文件
///////////////////////确定一共有多少行 多少条记录 /* strcpy(filename,tempfile2); //恢复文件名 ok Mmc_Fat_Assign(&filename, 0); size= Mmc_Fat_Get_File_Size(); Mmc_Fat_Reset(&size); for (i = 1; i <= size; i++) { Mmc_Fat_Read(&caracter); if (caracter==0x0D) { c++; } } */ strcpy(filename,tempfile2); //恢复文件名 Mmc_Fat_Assign(&filename, 0); c= Mmc_Fat_Get_File_Size(); c = ( c / 31); //算有多少行
//////////将f点后的数据写入临时文件 for (b=(a+1);b<=(c+0);b++) //ok { asm CLRWDT; strcpy(filename,tempfile2); //恢复文件名 // I_Write_Str(filename);
lnum =b; //要读的行数 M_Open_File_Readln() ; //读文件的第lnum行到file_contents
strcpy(filename,tempfile); //搞临时文件 // I_Write_Str(filename);
filesize1[0]=0x33; filesize1[1]=0x30; filesize1[2]=0x00; // I_Write_Str ("<"); // I_Write_Str(file_contents); // I_Write_Str (">"); M_Open_File_Append(); //把记录添加到临时文件 } asm CLRWDT; /////////删除原文件 strcpy(filename,tempfile2); //恢复文件名 M_Delete_File(); //复制临时文件为 原文件名 //删除临时文件
return 1;
//M-M-M--------- Opens an existing file, reads data from it and puts it to USART int M_Open_File_Read() {
if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) { Mmc_Fat_Assign(&filename, 0); size= Mmc_Fat_Get_File_Size(); //size1=atoi(filesize1);
Mmc_Fat_Reset(&size); for (i = 1; i <= size; i++) { Mmc_Fat_Read(&caracter); Usart_Write(caracter); } return 1; } else { return 0; } } // ~ //M-M-M--------- Opens an existing file and rewrites it int M_Open_File_Rewrite() { if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) { Mmc_Fat_Assign(&filename, 0); Mmc_Fat_Rewrite(); Mmc_Fat_Write(file_contents, 30); // write
return 1; } else { return 0; } } // ~ //M-M-M--------- Tests whether file exists, and if so sends its creation date // and file size via USART int M_GET_FILE_SIZE() { unsigned long fsize; if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) { if (Mmc_Fat_Assign(filename, 0)) { // --- // get // file // size unsigned long fsize; fsize = Mmc_Fat_Get_File_Size(); //LongToStr((signed long)fsize, filesize1); //I_Write_Str(filesize1); return 1; } else return 0; } else return 0; } // ~ //M-M-M--------- Tests whether file exists, and if so sends its creation date // and file size via USART int M_Test_File_Exist() { if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) if (Mmc_Fat_Assign(filename, 0)) { return 1; } else { return - 1; } else { return 0; } } // ~ /* //M-M-M--------- appends data to it // (and alters the date/time stamp) int M_SET_FILE_DATE() { if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) { Mmc_Fat_Assign(&filename, 0); Mmc_Fat_Set_File_Date(2007, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7); return 1; } else { return 0; } } // ~ //M-M-M---------Get_File_Date int M_Get_File_Date() { unsigned long fsize; unsigned int year; unsigned short month, day, hour, minute; if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) { if (Mmc_Fat_Assign(filename, 0)) { // --- // file // has // been // found // - // get // its // date Mmc_Fat_Get_File_Date(&year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute); WordToStr(year, filesize1); I_Write_Str(filesize1); ByteToStr(month, filesize1); I_Write_Str(filesize1); WordToStr(day, filesize1); I_Write_Str(filesize1); WordToStr(hour, filesize1); I_Write_Str(filesize1); WordToStr(minute, filesize1); I_Write_Str(filesize1); } } else { return 0; } } // ~ */
//M-M-M--------- appends data to it // (and alters the date/time stamp) void M_GET_DISK_LABEL_DISK() { int icount; // char txt[16]; SD_Read_FAT_Data(); Reserved_Sectors = SDdata[0x0E] *256+SDdata[0x0F]; // wordtostr(Reserved_Sectors,txt); // COM_Write (txt); SectorsPerFAT = SDdata[0x16] *256+SDdata[0x17]; // wordtostr(SectorsPerFAT,txt); // COM_Write (txt); NumberOfFAT = SDdata[0x10]; // wordtostr(NumberOfFAT,txt); // COM_Write (txt); RootDir = (unsigned long)SectorsPerFAT *(unsigned long)NumberOfFAT; // longtostr(RootDir,txt); // COM_Write (txt); RootDir = (Reserved_Sectors + RootDir); // longtostr(RootDir,txt); // COM_Write (txt); RootDir = RootDir / 256; // longtostr(RootDir,txt); // COM_Write (txt); // longtostr(RootDir, txt); // COM_Write(txt); asm CLRWDT; for (icount = 0; icount <= 512; icount++) { SDdata[icount] = 0x00; } if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) { MMC_Read_Sector(RootDir, SDdata); } else {} // 0x00 0x0A //send disk lable for (icount = 0; icount <= 0x0A; icount++) { USART_Write(SDdata[icount]); }
// COM_Write // (SDdata); } // ~
//M-M-M--------- appends data to it // (and alters the date/time stamp) int M_GET_DISK_ALL_FILE() { int icount, j, k,l,m,n=1,w=0; char txt[16]; unsigned long fsize;
SD_Read_FAT_Data(); asm CLRWDT; //fat16
m=atoi(filename); if (m==0) //返回DISK大小 { //void LongToStr(long number, char *output); fsize=SDdata[0x22]; fsize=fsize<<8; fsize=fsize+SDdata[0x21]; fsize=fsize<<8; fsize=fsize+SDdata[0x20]; fsize=fsize*512;
LongToStr((unsigned long )fsize,txt); I_Write_Str(txt); return 1; }
Reserved_Sectors = SDdata[0x0E] *256+SDdata[0x0F]; // wordtostr(Reserved_Sectors,txt); // COM_Write (txt); SectorsPerFAT = SDdata[0x16] *256+SDdata[0x17]; // wordtostr(SectorsPerFAT,txt); // COM_Write (txt); NumberOfFAT = SDdata[0x10]; // wordtostr(NumberOfFAT,txt); // COM_Write (txt); RootDir = (unsigned long)SectorsPerFAT *(unsigned long)NumberOfFAT; // longtostr(RootDir,txt); // COM_Write (txt); RootDir = (Reserved_Sectors + RootDir); // longtostr(RootDir,txt); // COM_Write (txt); RootDir = RootDir / 256; // longtostr(RootDir,txt); // COM_Write (txt); // longtostr(RootDir, txt); // COM_Write(txt); for (icount = 0; icount <= 512; icount++) { SDdata[icount] = 0x00; } //send = ALL FILENAME k = 0; // RootDIR 一共有24个区
for (l = RootDir; l <= (RootDir + 24); l++) { if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) { MMC_Read_Sector(l, SDdata); } asm CLRWDT; for (icount = 0; icount <= 512; icount++) { w=1; k = icount % 32; if ((k == 0) && (SDdata[icount] != 0XE5) && (SDdata[icount] != 0X00)) { if ((l==RootDir) && (icount==0)) continue; //不输出 DISK LABLE
for (j = 0; j <= 7; j++) { txt[j] = (SDdata[icount + j]); } txt[8] = 0x00; //是否带分割 n++;
if ((n>((m-2)*4+1)) && (n <=(m-1)*4+1)) strcat(file_contents,txt);
//m 传入的参数 m=2 m= (2 -1 )*4 =4 m=3 = 8
if (m!=1) if (((m-1)*4+1) ==n) //返回第几个文件名称 { file_contents[32]=0x00; COM_Write(file_contents); file_contents[0]=0x00; w=0; break; //提高读写速度 } } } } if (m==1) { if ((n-1)==0) COM_Write(0xA5); else { intToStr((unsigned int )(n-1),txt); //返回 文件有多少个 COM_Write(txt); } }
if (w==1) COM_Write(file_contents);
COM_Write("\r\n"); } // ~
int M_File_COPY() //删除第?行 将第?行删除 {
int icount, j, k,l; char txt[16]; asm CLRWDT; SD_Read_FAT_Data(); Reserved_Sectors = SDdata[0x0E] *256+SDdata[0x0F]; // wordtostr(Reserved_Sectors,txt); // COM_Write (txt); SectorsPerFAT = SDdata[0x16] *256+SDdata[0x17]; // wordtostr(SectorsPerFAT,txt); // COM_Write (txt); NumberOfFAT = SDdata[0x10]; // wordtostr(NumberOfFAT,txt); // COM_Write (txt); RootDir = (unsigned long)SectorsPerFAT *(unsigned long)NumberOfFAT; // longtostr(RootDir,txt); // COM_Write (txt); RootDir = (Reserved_Sectors + RootDir); // longtostr(RootDir,txt); // COM_Write (txt); RootDir = RootDir / 256; // longtostr(RootDir,txt); // COM_Write (txt); // longtostr(RootDir, txt); // COM_Write(txt); for (icount = 0; icount <= 512; icount++) { SDdata[icount] = 0x00; } //send = ALL FILENAME k = 0; // RootDIR 一共有24个区 for (l = RootDir; l <= (RootDir + 24); l++) { if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) { MMC_Read_Sector(l, SDdata); } asm CLRWDT; for (icount = 0; icount <= 512; icount++) { k = icount % 32; if ((k == 0) && (SDdata[icount] != 0XE5) && (SDdata[icount] != 0X00)) { for (j = 0; j <= 11; j++) { txt[j] = (SDdata[icount + j]); } txt[11] = 0x00; if (strcmp(filename,txt)==0) {
SDdata[icount+0]=filesize1[0]; SDdata[icount+1]=filesize1[1]; SDdata[icount+2]=filesize1[2]; SDdata[icount+3]=filesize1[3]; SDdata[icount+4]=filesize1[4]; SDdata[icount+5]=filesize1[5]; SDdata[icount+6]=filesize1[6]; SDdata[icount+7]=filesize1[7]; SDdata[icount+8]=filesize1[8]; SDdata[icount+9]=filesize1[9]; SDdata[icount+10]=filesize1[10]; Mmc_Write_Sector(l, SDdata);
break; }
} } } filesize1[11]=0x00; if (!Mmc_Fat_Init(&PORTC, 2)) if (Mmc_Fat_Assign(filesize1, 0)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } else { return 0; }
int M_File_Del_ln() //删除第?行 将第?行删除 { unsigned int a=0,b=0,c=0; signed long fsize; unsigned char tempfile[14] = "SWAP0001TMP"; // File names unsigned char tempfile2[14]= " "; // File names unsigned char temp_file_contents[30] = "";
//////////建立临时文件 将 f点前的数据写入这个临时文件 a=atoi(filesize1) ; //a传入的 要插入的行序号 // strcpy(temp_file_contents,file_contents); //保存临时inst的字符串 // I_Write_Str(filesize1); strcpy(tempfile2,filename); strcpy(filename,tempfile); M_Create_New_File(); //建立 SWAP0001.TMP // I_Write_Str(filename); if (a>1) for (b=1;b<=(a-1);b++) { asm CLRWDT; strcpy(filename,tempfile2); //恢复文件名 // I_Write_Str(filename); lnum =b; //要读的行数 M_Open_File_Readln() ; //读文件的第lnum行到file_contents strcpy(filename,tempfile); //搞临时文件 // I_Write_Str(filename); filesize1[0]=0x33; filesize1[1]=0x30; filesize1[2]=0x00; // I_Write_Str (filesize1); // I_Write_Str(file_contents); M_Open_File_Append(); //把记录添加到临时文件 } //I_Write_Str ("M1"); strcpy(filename,tempfile2); //恢复文件名 Mmc_Fat_Assign(&filename, 0); fsize= Mmc_Fat_Get_File_Size(); fsize = ( fsize / 31); //算有多少行 //LongToStr((signed long)fsize, filesize1); //I_Write_Str (filesize1); //I_Write_Str (filename); for (b=(a+1);b<=fsize;b++) { asm CLRWDT; strcpy(filename,tempfile2); //恢复文件名 //I_Write_Str(filename); lnum =b; //要读的行数 M_Open_File_Readln() ; //读文件的第lnum行到file_contents strcpy(filename,tempfile); //搞临时文件 //I_Write_Str(filename); filesize1[0]=0x33; filesize1[1]=0x30; filesize1[2]=0x00; //I_Write_Str (filesize1); //I_Write_Str(file_contents); M_Open_File_Append(); //把记录添加到临时文件 }
/////////删除原文件 strcpy(filename,tempfile2); //恢复文件名 M_Delete_File();
return 1;
void interrupt() { // Interrupt is triggered by the watchdog cnt++ ; // timer, since it doesn't get refreshed TMR0L = 96; // on time INTCON = 0x20; }//~
void main() { char *text; // this is stored in RAM char wdtime=0;
usa = 0; usb = 1; T0CON = 0xC4; // Enable watchdog timer TRISB = 0; PORTB = 0xFF; cnt = 0; TMR0L = 96; INTCON = 0xA0; USART_init(57600); // initialize USART module // strConstCpy(text, *TESTLOGO,92); I_Write_Str("0");
Spi_Init_Advanced(MASTER_OSC_DIV16, DATA_SAMPLE_MIDDLE, CLK_IDLE_LOW, LOW_2_HIGH); while (1) { asm CLRWDT ; if (cnt >= 80) { if (PORTB.F3==0) PORTB.F3=1; else PORTB.F3=0; cnt = 0; }
if (USART_Data_ready()) { unsigned char c; c = USART_Read(); switch (c) { case '\n': {
brkstr(); if (strcmp(command1, "CRF") == 0) //CRF|11112222TXT# @ ^ //ok { PORTB.F4=0; if (M_Create_New_File2()==1) I_Write_Str("1"); else I_Write_Str("0"); // crfile(); } else if (strcmp(command1, "DELF") == 0) //DELF|11112222TXT# @ ^ //ok { PORTB.F4=0; if (M_Test_File_Exist() == 1) { if (M_Delete_File() == 1) I_Write_Str("1"); } else I_Write_Str("0"); // deletefile(); } else if (strcmp(command1, "CRCF") == 0) //CRCF|11112222TXT# @ ^ //ok { PORTB.F4=0; if (M_Test_File_Exist() == 1) I_Write_Str("1"); else I_Write_Str("0"); // checkfile(); } else if (strcmp(command1, "READLN") == 0) //READLN|11112222TXT#5 @ ^ 读第5行 //READLN|11112222TXT#0 @ ^ 读第1行 { if (M_Test_File_Exist() == 1) { PORTB.F4=0; NeedOutCOM =1; lnum=atol(filesize1); if (M_Open_File_Readln() == 1) { NeedOutCOM =0; } } else I_Write_Str("0"); // frase(); } //M_File_Del_ln else if (strcmp(command1, "INSTLN") == 0) //INST|11112222TXT#3@111111111111111111111111111116^ { if (M_Test_File_Exist() == 1) { PORTB.F4=0; NeedOutCOM =0; if (M_Open_File_Insert() == 1) I_Write_Str("1"); } else I_Write_Str("0"); // frase(); } else if (strcmp(command1, "DELLN") == 0) // DELLN|11112222TXT#3@111111111111111111111111111116^ { if (M_Test_File_Exist() == 1) { PORTB.F4=0; NeedOutCOM =0; if (M_File_Del_ln() == 1) I_Write_Str("1"); } else I_Write_Str("0"); // frase(); } else if (strcmp(command1, "APPLN") == 0) //APPLN|11112222TXT#30@111111111111111111111111111116^ { if (M_Test_File_Exist() == 1) { PORTB.F4=0; if (M_Open_File_Append() == 1) I_Write_Str("1"); } else I_Write_Str("0"); // frase(); } // else if (strcmp(command1, "GETSIZE") == 0) //GETSIZE|11112222TXT#8@111111123^ // { // if (M_Test_File_Exist() == 1) // { // if (M_GET_FILE_SIZE() != 1) //// COM_Write("9\r\n"); //// else // I_Write_Str("0"); // } // // frase(); // }
else if (strcmp(command1, "RENF") == 0) //RENF|SWAP0001TMP#11112222TXT@311133333333^ {
if (M_Test_File_Exist() == 1) { PORTB.F4=0; if (M_File_COPY()== 1) I_Write_Str("1"); } else I_Write_Str("0");
else if (strcmp(command1, "GETDIR") == 0) //GETDIR| # @ ^ //GETDIR 0 = DISKSIZE GETDIR 1= DISPLAY FILENAME1 { PORTB.F4=0; M_GET_DISK_ALL_FILE(); // COM_Write("A\r\n"); // frase(); } else { I_Write_Str (inputStr); } inputCtr = 0; *inputStr = 0; break; } case '\r': break; default:
inputStr[inputCtr] = c; inputCtr++; inputStr[inputCtr] = 0; } } } } // ~!