I came across these drop-in replacement LCD display kits for older Tektronix TDS scopes for $350:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/NewScope-T1-LCD-display-kit-for-Tektronix-TDS-744A-754C-754D-544A-Oscilloscopes-/131823180063?hash=item1eb146191f:g:MfoAAOSwFnFWCMDchttp://www.simmconnlabs.com/2001/9001.htmlI have a couple late 1990s vintage TDS620/754 scopes which are in good shape. I'm trying to figure out if there is any way to determine if the battery in the battery backed sram modules are nearing depletion. I got some replacement sram modules from an ebay vendor, but want to avoid de-soldering the original sram until the battery is nearing depletion.