I am looking for a service manual for this remote programmable PSU.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-Kenwood-Texio-PSR20-18MY3-DC-Regulated-Power-Supply-20-VDC-18-A-/131394111385 So far, I was unable to find a copy free or for sale of the manual anywhere.
The problem with my unit is that you can set up the desired voltage and current from the programming unit PSR-600, and that will display on the PSR20.
When you press to enter or output on, the unit goes into "CC" constant current mode with, I and V showing zero. I suspect a problem with the power supply rather than the controller.
Unfortunately, I don't have a spare of either to verify.
The output of the PSR20 is not shorted as to cause this condition.
Any help appreciated.