Skills and
VLSI Digital Design: Design Methodologies and Techniques, CMOS Circuit
Design (both transistor and gate levels), RTL (both VHDL and Verilog), Design
Synthesis, Layout Design, FPGA Implementation.
Computer Architecture: Basics, Pipelining Techniques, Cache Memory, Parallel
Architectures, GPU Architectures, VLIW Architecture, ARM, Intel x86 and
SPARC v8 Architectures.
Embedded Systems Design: Embedded C, AVR programming, Micro-controller-
Based Circuits, Basics of Operating Systems and RTOS.
Digital Verification: Writing Test-benches using VHDL and System Verilog,
OVM, Basic Knowledge About UVM.
PCB Design.
Elmoghany, M.; Diab, M.; Kassem, M.; Khairallah, M.; El Shahat, O.; Sharkasy,
W.; , "FPGA implementation of high speed XTS-AES for data storage devices,"
Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), 2011 International
Conference for , vol., no., pp.25-28, 11-14 Dec. 2011.
Working on a 2D Array Multi-core Tile Processor Implementation as graduation
project, expected delivery date: July 2013, expected outcome: Fabricated Chip,
Research Paper.
HDMI Interface Stimuli Generator for OVM Verification Environment, 2012.
FPGA Implementation of High Speed XTS-AES for Data Storage Devices, 2011.
Matlab Simulation of Frequency Hopping Sequence Generator for Wireless
Communication Systems, 2011.
S.M.S. controller using AVR at mega 16, Ericsson T28 mobile set and AT
command set, 2010.
Digital Door Lock Using Discrete Components, first year college project, Digital
logic fundamentals course, 2010.
Competition of Robotics Design lollipops collecting robot over inclined surface,