Check This:
Variable = COUNTER Pin , Period
Count the number of pulses that appear on pin during period, and store the result in variable.
Variable - a user-defined variable.
Pin - a Port.Pin constant declaration i.e. PORTA.0.
Period - a constant, variable, or expression.
' Count the pulses that occur on PORTA.0 within a 100ms period and displays the results.
DIM WRD as WORD ' Declare a word size variable
SYMBOL Pin = PORTA.0 ' Assign the input pin to PORTA.0
WRD = COUNTER Pin , 100 ' Variable WRD now contains the Count
CURSOR 1 , 1
PRINT DEC WRD , " " ' Display the decimal result on the LCD
GOTO Loop ' Do it indefinitely
The resolution of period is in milliseconds (ms). It obtains its scaling from the oscillator declaration, Declare XTAL. Counter checks the state of the pin in a concise loop, and counts the rising edge of a transition (low to high).
With a 4MHz oscillator, the pin is checked every 20us, and every 4us with a 20MHz oscillator. From this we can determine that the highest frequency of pulses that may be counted is: -
25KHz using a 4MHz oscillator.
125KHz using a 20MHz oscillator.