Your project has some very useful features to it and shows promise.
I'd like to make a suggestion about logging also. I'm with flo0319 on this one... format the log output to a standard "syslog" style.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SyslogThere are a lot of log parsers out there that could iterate over your output and create some data visualization... such as a graph
using RRDtool. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RRDtool and MS Chart Control,
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14422You could even use a template system to create multiple styles of output... as if you didn't have enough to do already
Another item worth mentioning... create a header for the log file indicating your logging conditions and environment, such as 'date',
'starttime', 'uptime', 'template used', 'code version', etc etc. Use a hash, "#", character at the beginning of the line to indicate it's a comment
and not data.
You get the idea. You will thank yourself later
Best of luck, looks like your off to a good start.