The error is in me
, I miss interpret the coordinate output of the SIM908 - now the green arrow of google map pointing exactly on the place where I put the antenna, I can say it is in 1 - 2 meter range
Sharing something about SIM908:
- No need to use 2 uart for GSM and GPS
- The gps coordinate can be taken from main uart by AT+CGPSINF command
- The AT+CGPSINF=0 command will give signed lat long coordinate (no N/S E/W anymore) but they are still in Degree-Minute format - here is my mistake, I though it is fully in Degree format
- Pay attention on the operating voltage of active (mostly used now) gps antenna, mine do not work with 2.8V suplied by GPS-VANT-OUT pin of SIM908
- I have to connect the GPS-VANT-IN pin to VBAT (mine is 4.2V) while left the above pin open
- Be careful that the uart (and other I/O) pins is 2.8V level