While you may have had it working in the past consider it a bonus that we can tell you now that you need to scrap that code, start again
and do it properly.
Its not a Proton function
All Proton does is put the data in the ASM and pass it to Assembler Mpasm
So write to Microchip.......
All that code is wrapped in an ASM ENDASM block
Proton does not touch any code in asm endasm blocks
Write to Microchip they wrote the assembler
Go back to the non beta
You would be pretty &*&&^ off if Proton left an 5 year old version of Mpasmwin in your set up, of cause it updated it, or you could not use the latest devices.
I had my monies worth out of it. Now I can get even more value by sharing it.
I have to add that its a great tool
This is the code that TIM wants to Share
http://www.picbasic.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3490&d=1241043737 http://www.picbasic.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3491&d=1241043856