Delcam PS Exchange v4.9.05
PS-Exchange is Delcam's CAD translation solution. PS-Exchange is apowerful stand alone CAD translator program capable of translating frommany popular CAD input formats to many output formats (see below).Downloading PS-Exchange and opening and viewing files from allcompatible systems is free and without obligation - and everything isconfidential as you don't have to send any of your CAD data files overthe internet.
* Open and view CAD files from any supported input format for free before paying for the translation, you only pay if you save a file out in the desired format
* All translations are carried out on your PC - there are no file transfers
* Unique voucher payment system offers pay-per-translation and account payments with discounts
* Buy a full licence - rather than paying-per-translation you can purchase translators outright to eliminate the need for vouchers
* To study components in more detail you can also download Delcam's PowerSHAPE viewer for FREE - measuring, dimensioning and dynamic shading are just some of the tools available by downloading both PowerSHAPE and PS-Exchange 21.10 MB [APP + FIX]