You can do a search on this forum for GPS
and should come up with plenty examples. I submitted code I wrote in MPASM
for a PIC 16F877 in that forum I believe it was in their Mikroe Basic section.
It's really not too hard to write the code to parse the NEMA strings. What I
had problems with was the correct way to check if my LCD was busy before
I could send it more data. Also properly using the USART of the PIC in assembly.
That was my very first project in MPASM which turned out to work very good.
Not all GPS modules output the NEMA strings the same way. You need to keep that
in mind if you are to use other peoples NEMA parsing code. My code was written
to work with a older Jupiter GPS module that provided a 10Khz signal that was
syncronized with the GPS sats so I could phase lock a 10Mhz OCXO Frequency standard
to the sats. Also worked very good and I have a very accurate Frequency standard
to calibrate by frequency counter and my RF signal generator.