I have arranged 6 tutorials.
Prerequisites: Salvo Pro RTOS v.3.2.3. Can be found elsewhere on this forum(search...). Install it as C:\Salvo. Replace all the files in the tut folder with the ones attached. Compiled for 16F877. What is actually happening is described in SalvoUserManual, appendix C. There are a number of interesting app.notes as well. Read them!
I've tried FreeRTOS as well but it's a mess... You can also try the CCS RTOS examples as well. The advantage there is that You don't have to connect any hardware to see what's happening. Just compile under MPLAB and choose MPLAB SIM for debugger. Choose Settings and select UART1 I/O tab. Pick Enable UART1 IO and choose Window for output. The new tab UART IO is now visible in the Output window. Now Run and watch! If You want to attach hardware to the CCS examples just replace the different OSTASK:s with LED blinking routines or whatever...